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"The night shift can be scary. But I can manage. But... It has its moments when I... I can't take it...."

Sometimes, it's necessary to work to gain money for your family. It's tough but it's something that you can do for your family. This was the case for Lisa. Lisa was trying all she can to earn money for her family. Although none worked out, she still tried eventually she found a job that can help her. It was in a Coffee Shop, down her street. She was finally able to work for her family.

Lisa was given the Night Shift since no one was willing to do so. Plus she had to work alone which was a little creepy.
But she had no choice so she took it. Lisa felt better as she knew it was worth helping her family out. She got ready to work, after getting the uniform earlier at the morning.

She started at 8:00 pm, it was already dark and the staff in the morning shift had already left. She thought the Night Shift will be better because she wouldn't be distracted by anyone. Lisa had nothing to worry to herself.
It had been an hour and no one, and literally no one came up. No customers at all. Lisa started to get bored, to the point she used her phone. The Night went by slowly, since no one was there, only herself. She stared the empty Coffee shop.

Suddenly, the bell on the door rang and that made Lisa look up in surprise. It was a customer. Finally, after hours of waiting. Lisa finally got a customer.

"Oh hello. What would you want?" Lisa said to the Customer.

The customer didn't look at her and didn't speak at all. Lisa was confused. She waited for them to say something but it just pointed. Lisa looked at what it was pointing to.
"Oh you want that to go? Okay I'll make it for you then." Lisa said and got to work on making the drink for the customer. She felt the customer staring right at her, she didn't like that feeling.
"Here you go." She gave the drink to the customer, but noticed that the Customer was not there anymore. Lisa looked around the empty shop and found no one. She was confused. Lisa then realized it was time for her to leave. She got her things and left, without any problem.

The next day, she was at the Cafe waiting for her shift until her supervisor called her, He questioned her.

"What happened last night." Her supervisor asked her.
"Well There was a customer last night that asked or well pointed out something they wanted, but when I finished they were gone" Lisa replied.
"But.. There wasn't anyone there... " He replied.

This scared Lisa, after knowing that whatever was with her last night, was not actually there. Lisa was all bout terrified after hearing that. But she continued to work on the Night Shift.
Once her shift started, she was again bored as no customer showed up all.

"I swear... " Lisa said a bit ticked off about no one there.
Lisa couldn't help but feel watched, it made her feel really uneasy and she wanted to hide. That's when she saw it. A person standing outside the Coffee Shop. Lisa moved back from the counter, terrified. She looked directly at the Figure standing outside. Lisa had no idea what to do, no idea if she should call for help. She just stood there and stared back at the thing. She then out of nowhere ran into the break room to hide, she couldn't take it anymore. She hid inside the room for hours until her shift ended, her clock rang and that scared her. But relieved she could go home.

Lisa got home and locked all the doors, feeling scared after that encounter. She was still paranoid so she watched her back. She lived in an apartment in the area. Her family lived elsewhere so she lived alone. Lisa got ready for bed and closed the lights. But someone knocked at the door, She went to go see it, peeking through the door hole. Lisa was in fear as she saw the same Being that stalked her. She ran away from the door and hid on her bed. Trying to ignore the person at the door. Well, that wasn't easy. She didn't get good sleep and showed up late at work.

Knowing that She'd be doing the Night Shift again, Lisa was getting paranoid of the shift, feeling like she doesn't want to go at all. Lisa had no choice though, since she needed this job.
Later at Night, Lisa went to do the shift again, but instead of boredom she was vigilant. Wanting to stay safe, she checked everywhere. Lisa didn't encounter any Customers at all again. But she knew, it will come eventually.

And she was right. It was at the door of the Shop, staring right at her. She watched it and tried not to move but noticed it started moving the door's handle and opened it.
Lisa was now terrified as the Thing went inside the Coffee shop. The lights turned off and everything was dark. Lisa was alone and no one was there.

Lisa ran and hid behind the counter, scared. There was no one there to help her. And it was inside. Lisa didn't want to die but she could only hide. she could hear the heavy steps of it, walking around the shop, looking for her. She tried to keep her mouth shut and stay quiet. She couldn't help but cry silently, The thing was breathing loud for her to hear. Lisa heard it getting closer and closer, until she felt it in front of her. She then felt a long arm grabbed her. She was then thrown into the cafe tables. She was hurt and she saw it. A tall and dark man looked at her. It snapped it's body and ran towards her. Lisa got up and ran but it grabbed her again and choked her. She couldn't move but she tried. The man's grip was tight and she tried to escape. She then kicked him off And the man hit the window. She ran into the closet and hid. She locked it as the door started banging. She closed her eyes and held her head and prayed that she would be saved. She was starting to cry until suddenly the door opened. She screamed.

Lisa saw her Co workers staring down at her, worried and confused. They helped her up.
"Lisa is everything okay!?" one of them said.
Lisa looked at them in confusion and somewhat relieved, she was alive.

The next day, Lisa decided to quit her job and find another. She felt relieved to do so, after all that, she felt good on doing so. She heard that someone new got the Night Shift, Lisa just wished they'll be safe. She got a job in as a cleaner in a school, she got less money but she took it any way. At least it was better than what she experienced. The Following day, Lisa got news of a death. It was in the Coffee Shop. And the one who died was the one at the Night Shift. Lisa felt somewhat afraid.

She could've been that worker.......

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