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It was dark. There was nothing to see. All there was were trees and grass. May god protect from the monsters Within.

I'm sorry Chloe for dragging you into that mess....I hope you forgive me....

Rose and Chloe would find themselves in Vanta Forest. The place was dark and eerie. It was something they both wouldn't want to be in.

"Why...again are we here..." Chloe asked Rose. She didn't want to be in this tripped, let alone the lost cursed forest in the whole of Blackington.

Rose looked at her, seeming serious about the situation. "Because of all the incidents that have happened here of course." Rose replied, holding a flashlight.

It was near night time, the sun was slowly going down. Rose turned on the flash light and went ahead while Chloe stayed behind. She was frightened while Rose was quiet. They ventured deep into Vanta Forest...

In the otherside, 3 people were in the stop to the Vanta Forest as well. They were high schoolers. "Now this is monster hunting." Said a boy, holding a bat.

"Yeah, I wonder if we're actually gonna catch something." Said another boy who was holding a lantern. And finally a girl would come out of the car. "Guys let's focus."

"Whatever you say, Luna." As they finished with their conversation, they would walk into the forest. "So...Clyde, Andrew...what did you think of this place?"

Andrew held his bat "Well I heard a lot of incidents relating to one animal."

"And that animal is the Wendigo." Clyde said.

"Oh I'm well aware of the Wendigo, so why go out and catch it." Luna asked, putting her arms in her jacket.

"Because I wanna know if it's actually real." Andrew told her, seeming determined.

The 3 would continued into a trail of leaves and dirt, going deeper within the forests of Vanta. It was dark and now the crickets chirp and the light was gone.

Rose followed a dirt path into the forest while Chloe was right behind her, Rose was reading a book that had a map going to a specific place.
"This will be quick Chloe." She said while walking down the path.

"You sure...? Because this place might be full of them..." Chloe replied in a worried tone.

Rose sighed "I am aware of the presence of the Darkness.... but we need to find it." Rose was determined to locate an object she needed.

"So you still want to locate this monster even though the darkness is here...?" Chloe replied, her anxiety was rising after finding that out.

Rose nodded, Now seeming regret for bringing Chloe along because she was obviously uncomfortable. *Dang it Rose.*
She thought to herself.

Both girls followed the path to a tunnel in the forest. It seemed like an old Mine. Rose would turn on her flashlight and search around the place. Chloe stayed close to Rose as she searched the abandoned mine.

Andrew was getting impatient, He was mainly focused on seeing something interesting. "Maybe if we cry like a baby it will come to us?"

Clyde rolled his eyes, completely annoyed. "Dude, were talking about a cryptid here, of course it isn't going to come out and reveal itself easily."

Andrew groaned, he was already bored "Ughhh but I wanna see it."

Luna walked ahead, placing her hands in her jacket "Guys just shut up, your arguing won't get us anywhere."

The three of them continued on the dark forest. Everything was dark, the crickets were noisy, and the leaves made so much noise. They walked deeper and deeper into the woods. Until they stopped next to a large tree.

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