Chapter Three

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We ran but we didn't run out of the pizzeria (We already discussed that we didn't want people to know that we were here.)
"Where the hell do we go?" I asked Allie. I didn't even know if Withered Foxy was chasing us. I didn't look back to check either.
"To the front entrance." She said.
"But it's boarded up." I protested.
"I'm going to see if I can kick it down."
We turned a corner and I almost fell but I managed to keep my footing. I picked up the speed once I saw the door.
"Let's see about getting out of here." Allie said once we had reached the door. She started kicking the door and I did too. We kicked for about three minutes before giving up.
"This is great!" I said. "We're trapped in a pizzeria where fucking animatronics bite off people's fucking frontal lobes and children get killed!"
"It can't be that bad." Allie said. "Our parents will realize that we're missing and come and find us."
"Wait." I said, noticing some windows that were glass and boarded up on the outside. "What if we break open the windows? If we can break the glass, then we can easily break the wood."
"Good luck breaking the wood." Allie said. "It's one of those hard to break kinds."
I looked at her with a look that said, "Really? You don't know what it's called?"
"Don't give me that look." She said. "Go grab Freddy's microphone stand from the stage and try to break open the window."
I did so and carried it over to the window. I banged on it as hard as I could.
"Break!" I said as I continued to bang the stand against the window. "I wanna have a way out of here."
"Gordon, give it up." Allie said. "It's useless. We're trapped."
"Great." I said, putting the stand back where it is. "Wait. Where'd Freddy go?"
"I don't know." Allie said, shrugging.
"You mean that you didn't hear a giant ass animatronic bear walk around?" I asked.
"No." Allie said. "I was preoccupied with listening to you trying to break that window."
"Well, we gotta find him!" I said.
Just then, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Toy Freddy standing behind me.
"Allie?" I said, not breaking eye contact with him.
"Yeah?" She said, panic in her voice.
"Let's run now." I said.
"Agreed." She said.

Run is exactly what we did.
"Where the hell are we going?" I asked as we ran.
"The office." She said. "It's the only place that I can think of going."

Once we reached the office, we went behind the desk and looked to see if we were followed. Nope.
"Thank God." I breathed.
"Wait." Allie said, standing up and grabbing the flashlight from the desk. I stood up as well. "We have to check the hallway.
Allie turned on the flashlight and we saw Withered Foxy down the hall.
"Shit!" I yelled. "We were followed!"
"Calm down." Allie said. "All we gotta do is flash the light at him and he'll go away."
"Good." I said as she flashed the light. "Wait, does this mean that they're going to come after us and try to kill us?"
"Yep." Allie said after she flashed the light. "This is what your dad did when he worked here."
"I thought that he was a security guard!" I said.
"He was." She said. "He wasn't looking to see if anyone was breaking in. He was looking for animatronics that tried to kill him for six nights."
"Oh! How fun!" I said. "We're gonna die then. Sixteen years is all I get. How fun."
"We'll be fine." Allie said. "They'll probably find us in the morning. We just have to survive tonight. And we have these cute little plushies to keep us company.
"They're fucking creepy." I said, looking at the line of plushies that were on the desk. "Their eyes are so lifeless."
"Don't say that!" Allie said, hugging all of the plushies. "He doesn't mean that. Don't listen to him."
I rolled my eyes. My heart skipped a beat as I heard something in the vent.

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