Chapter 2

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Reggie's POV

I poof back to the studio alone because Rue says she wanted a moment to herself to walk on the beach.

"I'm back." I say half expecting the studio to be empty but Alex was there grinning ear to ear. "I take it things went well on your date with Willie?"

"Forget my date." He smiles. "How was your date." He says standing up and coming up to me.

"What!?" I say. "No, wasn''s not like that." I say. He keeps smiling at me. "It wasn't a date!" I say. "We're just friends. F-I-R-E-N-D-S. Friends."

"You spelt friends wrong." Alex says.

"Whatever you knew what I meant!" I say. "We are just friends." 

"Lies Reginald lies."

"Alex I'm serious. We are seriously just friends." I say.

"Okay okay I'll stop drilling you." Alex says.

"Thank you." I say plopping down on the couch. Alex sits next to me.

"So, how was your non-date?" He asks.

"It was fine." I say. "And one hundred percent not romantic or a date."

"Okay I believe you." He says. "But I did go on a romantic date so if you aren't gonna talk about your non romantic non date then let me talk about mine."

"I did ask before you started your torturing me with all your questions." I say.

"Torturing?! That seems a bit dramatic don't you think?" Alex says.

"No I think it's pretty actuate." I say. "Just tell me how it went with Willie."

"Well it was a little hard since I'm visible to everyone and he's not." Alex says. "But we had a private picnic in a white field we found and we talked about life back when we were alive."

"Sounds fun." I say.

"It was." Alex smiles. "I didn't think I'd ever find someone like Willie, but now that to have it's like a dream. I've never felt this way about anyone before Reg. I think Willie really is the one."

"Wow, that's...that's really sweet." I say. How do people know? How do they know who is "the one" or that they love someone in the non friend way? I've never really felt that way. I thought I did a few times, but turns out it was just the friend kind of love.

Alex seems to think I love Rue like that, but how do I know? What's that feeling everyone talks about, that...that spark?

Just then Luke and Julie come through the studio doors.

"You aren't gonna believe it!" Julie says excitedly. "That manger from when we performed at Eats and Beats called me, she wants to sign us!"

"No way!" I say as me and Alex shoot up.

"Way!" Luke says. "We did it, we got a manager!"

The four of us group hug and jump in a circle. "Alright we have like two hours before she wants us to meet in the studio." Julie says. "I'm gonna go tell my dad the news. You guys wanna come?"

"I'll come!" I say.

"Me too." Luke says.

"I guess I'm going to." Alex says. We walk inside Julie's house and Ray greets us with a smile.

"Hey Julie, hi boys."

"Hi Ray!" I smile.

"Hi Ray." Luke says and Ray give him the look. "Uh I mean...Mr. Molina."

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