Chapter 9

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Alex's POV

Me, Reggie, and Luke are trapped in the sound both because Trevor locked us in. I'd like to call him a two faced bastard but, this isn't really two faced since I never trusted him anyways. So I guess he's just a bastard.

Luke was trying to juggle the door and break it open. I don't know when we can't poof out or walk through the door, but it's just not working. Reggie is standing in the corner quietly starting as Luke was failing to open the door. I can't tell how he's feeling about his, his face is expression less. It's like looking at a blank page. Luke on the other hand is clearly enraged.

"Stupid door! Why won't you open!" He says trying to bust through the door.

And me, I'm very anxious right now. I don't really like small spaces and I can already feel the walls closing in on me. I paced back and forth. What are we gonna do? How are we gonna get out of here? What's Trevor gonna do to Julie!?

"Alex." I hear my name but it sounds distant and I just don't respond. I don't know why I didn't, but I just didn't and I keep pacing.

"Alex?" I hear again and Reggie's in front of my striping my pacing looking at me with worry. "You okay?"

"Yeah yeah I'm - I'm alright. Just a little clasterphobic."

"We're gonna get out of here." Reggie says trying to comfort me.

"No we aren't. There's no way." Luke says being pessimistic. "I can't get through this damn door, we can't poof out or walk through, there's no way out!"

"Luke calm down, we'll figure it out. You're the one who says we always will figure things out." Reggie says. "And if you think there's no way out I'm gonna start thinking that too." Great now we're all starting to panic.

"You're right." Luke says. "Yeah, yeah we will find a way out. There has to be a way."

But I can't help but ask how? Because as far as I can tell we're stuck.

Rue's POV
A/n so I don't remember if Willie and Rue ever met so let's parented they've heard of each other but never met. Sound good? Good.

I don't know what to do. If I stay a lifer, I'll grow up, move on and pass away as old people do and leave Reggie behind. And I don't want to hurt him again by him losing me. And I don't want hurt him by leaving either. It seems that becoming a ghost is the only option, but can I trust him? He's worse than Caleb, he doesn't have any motives. Caleb did what he did to try and get his daughter back, but this guy just does what he does for the heck of it.

I walk into the ghost club. I never thought I'd come here again, I wonder who's running this place now.

"Hey, you're Reggie's friend aren't you?" I hear a voice. I look over and I see a boy with long dark hair. He wore a nave blue suit and had a dahlia pin on his suit jacket.

"Yeah. You must be Willie." I say.

"What are you doing here, word on the street is after you got rid of Caleb and died you became a lifer. Why would you come back here?"

"I want to be a ghost again." I say. "So I came to talk to the boss."

"You can't trust him."

"I know. But it feels like I have no other option." I say. "Besides. You don't know me, or what I'm capable of. I'm not afraid of the boss, he should be afraid of me."

"O- Kay." Willie says. "Well good luck I guess. And have you seen Alex?"

"Yea, him and the band got a record deal so they're at Destiny Management Studios." I tell him.

"Great thanks." He says and poofs away.

I head down to the basement of the club which is where the boss always stays. He and only he can ensure I come back as a ghost, and that way I won't have to leave Reggie.

"You. I thought you were dead." His voice echos. "You and Covington got destroyed."

"I was, we did." I say. "But I'm back, and I'm a lifer. I need you to change that."

"Oooohhh you want to be a ghost to stay with your little bass playing friend." He says clearly amused. "Well, what makes you think I'll help you?"

"Because you are a sucker for deals and I got one you can't pass on." I say.

Julie's POV

I wake up and my version is super blurry. Slowly things start to come into focus and I find my self lying on a couch in a weird room I don't recognize. The walls were painted solid back while there was an accent red stripe going from the ceiling to the floor in each corner of the small room. The only light source in the whole room were a few lot candles bladed on shelves along the walls of the room.

My head was pounding like crazy and there was a slight ringing in my ears still but I slowly sit up and continue to look around. Where am I?

"Well good morning Sunshine." Say a boy. He has dark colored hair and ice blue eyes that pierced my soul as he stared at me. "I've been waiting for you to wake up."

"Who are you?" I ask.

"Nobody important. Sorry this has happened to you by the way, you seem like a nice girl." He says. "But you must have done something to cross Mr. Wilson. What happened?"

"Look, I really need to get out of here my friends are in trouble." I say. "Can you help me?"

"I'm afraid I can't little lady." He says. "Mr. Wilson told me to make sure you stay right here. I have no choice."

"Why am I here?" Julie asks. "What's Trevor gonna do to my friends?"

"Who are your friends?"

"Luke Alex and Reggie. We're a band." I say.

"Ooh, them." The boy says nodding his head. "I'm very sorry." He says but doesn't elaborate.

"W, are they okay!?" I ask panicking. "What did he do to them?"

"I'm very sorry but you're friends are gonna be gone very soon if they aren't already." He says. "You see, Mr.Wilson as this contract with this bad dude, and it's only valid as long as Sunset Curve is gone for good."

"What's his contract?"

"He ran out of songs to steal from Luke, and he couldn't come up with anything on his own." The boy explains. I nod my head intently listening. "So he made a deal that as long as Sunset Curve was dead along with their memory, his songs would do good and he'd be famous."

"He did this all for fame?" I think out loud.

"I shouldn't have told you any of that. Pretend you don't know please." The boy pleads. "He'll kill me if he finds out I told you anything."

Just then there's a clank and the door swings open and Trevor walks in. "Well I've seen you've met Jeremiah." He says looking at me. "Jeremiah, out please."

Jeremiah quickly leaves the room head down as Trevor's eyes followed him out the door.

"Now miss Julie, now that we have the room alone-" he says coming to sit down next to me.

"What are you gonna do to my friends!? You can't just keep me here my dad will look for me!" I say.

"I know this is a lot to take in." Trevor says sitting down on the couch. I scotch as far away from him as I can. "You don't have to be afraid of me Julie, I'm not gonna hurt you."

"What are you gonna do to my friends?" I ask again.

"Nothing. Nothing at all. I simply locked them in there so they can't go anywhere. Someone else will finish the job."

"You can't get rid of them, okay I know about your deal!" I say. I feel bad for telling him I know when Jeremiah asked me not to, but it's him or my friends. Sorry Jeremiah. "You may be able to get rid of them but you'll never get rid of their memory and I'll make sure of that."

"Oh Julie, you didn't think I was keeping you here to have a slumber party did you?" He says. "You're not walking out of here remembering Sunset Curve. They'll be gone and so will their memory and my contract will as good as new."

I swallow the lump in my throat. How am I gonna get out of this?

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