Chapter 4

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I'm back! Sorry for the wait. I'm honestly not sure where this story is going right now 😭

Luke's POV

I don't know why Reggie brought Traitor Girl here after what she did. How could be forgive her? How could he trust her again? And what does he see in her? He can't actually like her can he?

I look over and Reggie is talking to her about who knows what and I can't help but roll my eyes. She shouldn't even be here.

"You know me and Alex made bets on them." Julie says.

"What?" I ask.

"Alex thinks they're is something romantic between them, but I think it's just platonic." Julie says.

"They're better not be something romantic going on between then." I grumble watching them laugh with each other. Julie gives me a look, probably surprised by my tone and I quickly add, "only because I want you to win the bet." I say. "Not for any other reason."

"Luke, I'm not dumb I know you don't like Rue." Julie says. "What do you have against her?"

"She's a back stabbing traitor. Reggie trusted her and she brought him right to Caleb and we all almost died." I say. That's a pretty good reason to hate her if you ask me.

"But then she saved us." Julie says. "I'm not saying you have to like her, just try not to pick fights with her, okay?"

I'm not dumb, I know I can't fight with her. If Reggie knows I don't like her, he'll stop being her friend and as much as I hate to admit it, she does seem to make him happy. I don't know how or why she makes him happy , and I sure don't understand any of it, but I do know I'd be a terrible friend if I were the reason he stoped being happy.

"Don't worry, I won't." I say. "I'll be back, I need to think alone on some lyrics." I say. The truth is I just can't watch Rue and Reggie be so friendly. It makes me miss him in a weird way.

Like he's right there but yet we are miles and miles apart. I don't feel as close to him as I use to. How long have we been drifting apart?

I was about to go back when Trevor comes out into the hall too. I sigh and roll my eyes. What does he want?

"Hey." He says as if it were 1995 and were still great pals.

"What do you want?" I sigh.

"You don't trust that Rue girl, do you?" He says.

"I don't see why that's any of your business." I say folding my arms.

"You shouldn't trust her." Trevor says. "She's vile."

"How exactly do you know?" I ask.

"Well you don't like her either." Trevor says. "I'd thought you'd leap at the chance to get some dirt on her."

"Okay but as much as I dislike her, I hate you more." I say. "We're done here. Let's just finish these dumb songs so we can go on our own way." I walk past him but Trevor says something that makes me stop dead in my tracks.

"Caleb's not gone." He says. I freeze. He has to be lying. There's no way Caleb's still around. Traitor Girl got ride of him. Wait did she fake it? To make us trust her again? And she's got Reggie fooled that she's on our side when really she's still working with Caleb!

"What do you mean?"  I ask.

"Caleb will be coming after you. He's gonna use Rue to get to you. You need to get rid of her, Alex and Reggie are already trusting her and so is your little girlfriend." Trevor says.

"What am I supposed to do? I get rid of her Reggie will be heartbroken again." I say. It kills me seeing how head over heels Reggie is for Traitor Girl but I would rather be in pain seeing him happy then have to see him in emotional pain.

"Okay well would you rather see Reggie heartbroken and then move on and get over it or have him, Alex, and you all die?" Trevor says and I hate to say it but he makes a good point. "Get rid of Rue, and Caleb won't be able to get to you."

"How?" I ask.

"It's a lot to explain I just need you to trust me." He says. 

I can't believe I'm actually about to trust him.

"Fine." I say. "I trust you."

Trevor's POV

This is perfect. I can turn the boys against each other without lifting a finger. Luke will get rid of Rue and Reggie will be mad at him and Alex will probably take Reggie's side. But nice I need to find a way to turn Alex and Reggie against each other.

I think I have a few ideas for that though.

Rue's POV

Trevor left the room too and shortly after Luke comes back. He doesn't take his usual seat next to Julie though and sits next to me instead. Which is a little strange but I don't mind. I do kinda wanna get to know him more. I feel like we aren't exactly on good terms and I'd like to change that.

"Hey." I smile.

"Hey." He says with a hint of passive aggressiveness. "Rue right?"

"Yep." I say. "Can I help you?"

Reggie clears his throat. "Uh Luke, please be nice." He whispers to Luke but since I'm sitting between them I hear him anyway.

"I was just wanting to know more about you, considering you're so close to Reggie." He says.

"What do you want to know?" I ask. I know what he's trying to do. He doesn't trust me and I don't blame him. But I have nothing to hide anymore.

"How'd you get rid of Caleb?" He asks. "I mean, how do you know if he's really gone, I mean you're still here and we thought you had disappeared with him."

"Luke!" Reggie whispers. "Can we not do this right now?" He asks. "Or anytime." He mumbles.

"Really it's okay Reggie." I say. I could feel the tension rise in the room as Julie and Alex were both subtly starting to listen in on this conversation. "I pushed Caleb into one of those tanks. He's gone."

"How do you know though?" Luke asks.

"Because we were there Luke." Reggie says. "Me and Alex saw it so if you don't trust Rue then trust us."

"Okay but you may have thought you saw -" Luke starts but Alex cuts him off.

"Luke, he's gone." He says. "Let it go."

I wanted to come here to help break the tension between Luke and Trevor and I've only shifted it to me and him. This is no help at all and I look at Reggie's hands noticing he's picking at his fingers.

"How about me and you go somewhere else like and you can ask me all the questions you want." I say to Luke. "So we don't fight. Here in front of everyone."

"Sure okay." Luke agrees.

Alex's POV

Luke and Rue leave the recording studio which leaves Me, Reggie, Trevor, and Julie to work on the melody of the song until they get back.

And when they do come back I hope they get their differences shorted out. I don't know why Luke hates her so much she saved us.

And Reggie clearly likes Rue, so Luke better get use to having her around.

"So, shall we get started with the melody?" Trevor says.

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