Chapter 17: We all have storys

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Sky P.O.V

"Where to now" Jay asked while driving. "How about you buy both of us ice cream. whatcha say" i then removed my shoes off and put my feet on the dash bored getting comfortable. "To broke to buy your own ice cream Sky" Jay said and chuckled. "As matter of fact yes i am, Now let's go.... To the ice cream shop we go!!" I cheered Jay chuckled again "Your always full of energy aren't you" "Hell yeah I am, now stop talking and go to the ice cram shop got it" "Yeah sure whatever"

After getting our ice cream Jay then took us to place where the planes where landing right above us then landing just feet's away It was very cool to be honest. "So why did you take us here" i asked while eating my ice cream. "My mom use to take me here all the time when i was a kid. It all ways made me wonder how the Sky's might be when your that high up, it must feel like heaven" "Wait you never been on a plane before" i asked while putting my feet on the dash bored again. "Never..How about you" He said turning to me "No.. no offense but you seem like the type who might of al ready traveled the whole country" he shook his head. "Just because i live in a big house and have a nice car doesn't mean i get to travel the country. I mean like who's gonna help Ma out ya know" we saw another plane land in front of us. it was rally nice. "What about your dad" i asked he looked sad when I said that. "'s fine you don't have to answ-" "No it's fine i mean i was going to tell you sooner or later right" i nodded "My Mom had me at 18. And when my dad found out that my mom was having me he didn't want anything to do with me. So like all of em' he flee and i never got to meet him" Jay chuckled "I don't know how my Ma made it though i guess cause she had my grandparents who where a big help" he paused for a few seconds. . . . "She got to finish Uni and now works at the bank and since it's only me and her that's how we live in a big house and all" I didn't know his mom had him at 18 and his dad ran off that's pretty messed up i feel bad for him. "My mom and dad didn't get to go to uni..... But my mom had me at 22 years old and i guess you can say my grand parents weren't happy about that so they didn't want anything to do with me. So through out the years it was hard for my mom and dad cause it was hard to find a job and stick with it. And it made it even harder when my sister was born... So yeah" i said simply and looked at the plane that was landing in front of us. "I guess we all have story's huh" he nodded "Yeah." Me and Jay talked for about an hour talking about our past and stuff like that. When I looked at my phone i had 20 missed calls and 13 messages from the girls. I guess i forgot to take my phone off mute , I read one of the messages it was from Bella

Bella: Dude where are you...Were suppose to go shopping today for our dresses today so pick up yo phone.

Dresses....What dress- oh damn i totally forgot. i texted Bella back saying i would meet her at the school. "Jay i totally forgot. I was suppose to go shopping with the girls today for our prom dresses!" "Can you drive me to the school so i can meet up with them please" "Sure no problem" Once we got to the school I saw the girls seating at the steps of school but They didn't see me, and Jay. I turned over to Jay "Thanks for the ride" I said, He smirked "Anything for you you ma" I giggled. He then leaned in and kissed me. I was shocked at first but then melted into the kiss. As always His lips where warm and soft. I pulled back not wanting this to turn into a make out season, with one last smile I opened the car door and got out Meeting my crazy ass friends.


"So how's stuff going between you and Jay, Skylar" Abby suddenly asked me As we where all looking though the dresses. I blushed and smiled "Nothin' important" Bella shook her head. "If it ain't nothing important, then why you blushing like crazy girl" "Because i just am. Now go back to looking at dresses and shit" Everyone laughed at my remark and kept on looking through the dresses. "Ain't nobody fooled girl. We all saw you kissing Jay in the car before" i blushed even harder. "So when are you and Jay gonna start makin' baby's I want to be an aunty soon" I blushed even even harder. I looked down so nobody could see me blushing. "We to young fo' that Abby what you be saying" " I don't know. I just think you and Jay would make wonderful baby's so why not start now" I literally facepalm myself. This girl is crazy....Why the hell would I have a baby when I'm 17 years old. Sometimes I wonder about her. I then pulled out a nice Light pink dress. I looked at the girls "I think I found my dress".

(A/N: I'm so sorry for making you guys wait I've been crazy busy. Anyways my new story that I'm making is probably gonna come out today or tomorrow. But just for a sneaks Peak for you guys here's the description.

Member of the South side Rollerz:

My life use to be normal but when my parents died it was only me and my older brother Jessie. To keep me and my brother alive we joined a gang called the southside rollerz. 4 years have past and me and my brother are still in the gang but the difernts is his the boss. But one day when my brother was playing basketball the gang called the kings did a drive by it killed my brother instantly And know the new boss is my 4 year enemie. Who's all so known as Jessie's best friend Dashawn

18 year old Ciara Nelson is part of a gang called the southside rollerz with her brother as the boss everything's Great. But what happens when her brother dies and the new boss is Dashawn a gang member that Ciara doesn't like. But along the way they get closer and closer will they discover the true meaning of love find out in "Member of the Southside rollerz"

(A/N: Hope you guys liked this chapter and the description of my new story See you guys next chapter lots of love and please Vote, share and leave comments Bye Dancers)

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2015 ⏰

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