Chapter 11: Asked

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Sky P.O.V

                   "Let me see the paper to make sure your not lieing to me" i said and walked over to Jay with the paper "I'm serous we got in but if you want to see go ahead"  Jay said and haded me the paper with the results. Did we acctually get in was all i was thinking "To the team, We are blah blah blah blah......" i stoped at one part i was so surprise and shocked but i kept on reading "Congratulation welcome to AMERICA'S BEST DANCE CREW" i looked up at everyone and did my happy dance again everyone laught. "Yeah we couldn't belive it to" Abby said giggled. "We should go celebrate.......How about we go to the club" Josh said to everyone "Ummm my little sister is right here you imbecile" i said to Josh. Tessie walked up to me and pulled a little on the bottom of my shirt  i looked down on her "What's a club Skyie" she asked confused "Oh its were people go to party and drink and soon after a boy and a girl-----" josh started but i cut him off by throwing my water bottle at his face "JOSH YOU  IDIOT my sister dose not need to know that" Everyone laughs That idiot why would he tell a 4 year old girl that. you know some people in this crew need some serous help."Oww that hurt Sky" Josh  rumbaed  his face in pain "Good i hope it hurt" i replyed. I blocked my sister ears and said "How about we throw a house party next weekend since tomorrow is school" i shrugged."Thats not such a bad idea........Okay everyone has a job" Jay said and thought to him self. "Okay Josh your the one who gets the beer. Sky your the one who gets the snacks  and plastic cups  i guess will use my house for the party since my mom is going on a business trip next weekend" me and Josh nodded a yes. I let go of my sisters ears "So i guess that's it for today tommorrow after school meet at my house for a crew meeting. All right everyone all in" we all put our fist in a circle and yelled "1....2...3 THE TEAM" as we said the team we put our fist up. As i was getting my stuff to go home Jay came up to me "Hey how about i drive you home today its getting dark out and it wouldn't be safe for you guys to walk" Jay said scratched the back of his head  in clearly nervous. i looked down at my feet and smiled at how cute he was being wait did i just say cute what is wrong with me. I looked t him "Awwww is bad boy Jay Thomas scared that i might get hurt" i teased he looked evan more nervous "N-no i mean if you got hurt how will i find another hip-hop dancer like you. look do you want me to drive you home or not" he asked. i smiled cand turned my head to the side "Sure" "Okay then lets go" me and my sister followed him to his BMW. He opened the door for me i giggled "While thank you my kind sir" i joked "no problem my lady" he joked back and bowed down jokely i giggled and went into the car. Throw out the whole ride it was silent but not an awkward silence. "So its my birthday next month" i told Jay. Jay toke his eye's off the road and gave me a quick glance. "Really i didn't know what day" "July 4" i smiled "So your brithday is on independence day well thats cool" "yeah" it was silent for about 2 secounds "So are you going to prom in 2 weeks" he asked. i looked at him he looked.........nervous. i smirked and gave him a reply "Why do you ask that" we stoped in front of my house then he turned to me "Well because maybe........"he trailed off "Maybe what" i tesed "Maybe you would want to go with me or something....." did he just ask me out.




I blushed a shade of red i looked at my lap not daring to look him in the eye "I-I mean like you dont have to go-----" "Yeah sure i would love to go with you" i cut him off and looked him stright in the eye. he gazed back "Really" he asked suprised and smiled "Sure why not" we gazed in each others eyes for like what seemed hours. i soon remberd that i had to go. "Anyways i'll see you tomorrow at school oh and when dose the America's best dance crew strat" i asked as i got out of the car "Ummm in like 2 months that give us a lot of time to practice too" "True that. come on Tessie its time to leave" i told Tessie who was opening her door. "So see you tomorrow" "yeah see you tomorrow" i said and shut the door and grbed my sisters tiny hand. we waved good bye as he drove away. "So what do you what for supper Tess" i said to Tessie as we walked in side the house. "Ummmm how about Kraft Dinner" she said excitedly " Yeah sure i can make that" i walked to the kitchen to make the food and Tessie walked to the Living room to watch T.V. As i was making the Kraft Dinner i pulled out my phone and called Bella "What up girl" Bella said throw the phone "Nothing mush. hey so guess what Jay asked me" " He asked you to marry him i knew it" i rolled my eyes at her comment "No.... he asked me to prom" i said and waited for her reaction and bit on my lip " . . . . Are. you.SEROUS OH MY GOD thats great i could just see me right know in a year are so being your maid of honnor at your wedding" she said excitedly. i giggled "Don't you think you jumping the gun here Bella" "No" i laugh and looked at the Kraft Dinner and nocited that it was ready "Anyways i got to go see you tomorrow" "Make sure to dream about you and Jay haveing 33 babies okay" she said and hang up. i laugh at her comment This girl and her crazy mind. i called to Tessie and we ate supper. After supper i went and took a shower after my shower i went and tucked Tessie in bed. "So is Jay your boyfriend" she asked as i was tucking her in. I blushed and said "n-no were just friends" i said to her "Why is your face so red Skyie. Are you sick" she asked. i giggled "No i'm not sick Tess. But you have to go to bed its 9:30" i told her and shut the light off and went in my bed which was right across from her's "good Night Skyie" she said in her cute voice "Night Tess" i said and went to bed.

(A\N: I am so sorry for not updateing i've been busy but know i'm not busy:):)so know i can update more)


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