Chapter 10:The Sister

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This is Skylar's 4 year old sister Tessie

Sky P.O.V

                    "Skyie its time to wake uuuupppp" my little sister cryed. I groaned and turned away from her. "Tess can you go away places i'm trying to sleep" "buuuuuut mommy wants to talk to you now" i sighed and got up. "Were is she" i asked "shes in the kitchen" i walked to the kitchen to see my mom at the table drinking coffee. I sat in the chair right next to hers "good morning did you have a good sleep she asked me "yeah. until Tess woke me up  out of my sleep" she giggled "well I have to go to my new job today can you watch Tess for me until I get back" i looked at her right away"umm. I got stuff to do today" i told her quickly. Its not that i dont like Tess but todays is dance practis shit what am i going to tell her. I havent evan told her that i like to dance. "what is so inproted that you can't Evan watch your little sister" she asked and folded her arms. "Umm nothing never mind i'll watch her today" I said quickly we both got up. I huged her amd she huged me back "I'll be back at 9pm" she steped away and grabed her bag. "Call me if theres any problem" she said over her shoulder as she walked away. i said a quik okay and made me and Tessie some breakfast. "TESS BREAKFAST IS READY" i yelled as i sat our plants down on the table I heard feet running down the hallway. damn this girl can run for food! As we both sat down at the table  i was telling her that we have to go somewere. and when i mean somewhere i mean the dance studio. As we both finished our food i looked at Tessie "Go get ready were living in a about a hour okay" "Okay sis" she said and got off the chair and ran to our room.


Jay P.o.v

"No Sharkeisha you can't come over tonight i'm busy" i said into the phone as i was gettng ready to go to the studio. "Come on baby i know you want me" she said in the most slutist voice ever. "Like i said i'm busy know go bug some other nigga" "But i lov----" i hang up the phone before she can finish her sentence. This hoe can be annoying some times but she's a good fuck. I throw my phone on my bed and went into the bathroom to take a shower. as i was in the shower i can hear my phone ringing like 20 times shit can't she find anyone else. After finishing my shower i put a towel around my waste. i heard my phone ringing once again i went into my room and grabed my phone off the bed  and anwerd it with out  looking at the contact name. "Look Sharkeisha i told you i'm busy now stop callin----" "Sharkeisha this ain't no Sharkeisha this is Skylar Adames the woman who's in your dance crew jackass" i all most laught at Skylar's remark. "Well hello to you babe" i said in joke flirty way "Don't be calling me babe i ain't your hoe" "I never said you were my hoe" i teased and smirked "So what would like babe" i knew she was gonna get pissed at that "Stop calling me babe and i'm bring my 4 year old sister Tessie to dance rehearsals today my mom forcing me to watch her" she said and sighed "And your telling me this whyyy---" "Because i am. know i'll you at rehearsals okay bye" she said and hang up. Well some one is on ther PMS.

When i got to the studio everyone was there but not Sky. "Everyone listen up Skylar is bring her little sister here today" i said to everyone. All the guys were getting loud "Is she hot"Josh asked "dude she's got to be hot she's Skylar's sister she might Evan look like Skylar". All the guys stared to get Evan louder. Then I heard the door open and say Sky walk in. "Hey guys sorry I'm late" she said in the most cheerful voice. All the guys ran up to her and asked her so many questions like "where's your hot sister" Josh yelled "yeah were she at"Mario asked this time " I didn't know you hade a hot sister" jaden said. "Wait wait shut up all of you" Skylar said. They all shut up "my sis is  right here and she's only 4 years old" they all looked down  to see the little figure holding on to Sky's leg and looking shy. "This is your sister" all the guys said. One by one the guys looked at me. I put my hands up in defence "hey don't look at me I told you guys she was bring her little sister here". All the girls stared to laugh "y-y-you gu-ys ar--e su-u-ch Dumass's" Abby said between giggles. Once everyone settled down Sky told her sister each of our names. "Okay know Tessie this is a secret do not tell mommy or daddy about this got it" Sky said. "But why Skyie" Tessie said back to her sister "because I said so know pinky square" Sky held out her pinky to Tessie "pinky square" they both linked there pinkys and smiled. i wish i hade a silbing. "Hey Sky we gotta practice you ready" i asked "Ready as all ways" we all got in forrmation. "Hit it Bella" i yelled to her "All ready on it" she said back and played a song which was The Monster by Rhianna and Eminem

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