Chapter 15: Malls and Bathroom Sex

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The next day, Tails woke up. He noticed Sonic was gone!
"Where did you go, Sonic?!" Tails questioned out loud as he searched for Sonic's scent. However, there was no trace of Sonic anywhere.
"What a weirdo... He left me alone in the morning..."
Tails rolled his eyes and went downstairs, deciding to start preparing breakfast. When he stepped into the kitchen, however, something caught his attention.

It was a pornographic magazine lying on his feet with a note on it. It said: "Hey Tails! Sorry if you don't wake up next to me. I went to go get tickets to move to San Fransisco. I already booked a flight to go there in a week. Theres a vibrating dildo taped to the porno I gave you. Have fun while I'm at the new strip club!"
Tails let out an amused chuckle as he picked up the vibrating dildo, examining the note attached to it.
"'Pornography is the greatest form of communication known to man!' Haha! Sonic definitely has issues reading and writing, especially when it comes to romance! 'Enjoying it while you still can' eh?! What does he think I am, a kid?!" he giggled as he threw the vibrator onto the kitchen counter with the note, leaving only a sticky note behind.
A short time later, the both boys walked down the stairs.
"Morning, Tails!" Sonic greeted as soon as he heard Tails's steps.
"Hi, Sonic!" Tails replied as he sat across Sonic. "Have you eaten breakfast yet?"
"Not yet."
Tails took one of the pancakes Sonic made for them as he ate and drank all of his orange juice. After that, he cleaned up everything that needed to be cleaned and put away in the refrigerator. Once he was finished cleaning the kitchen, Tails turned back to Sonic who was standing by the kitchen island.
"So where did ya go off to yesterday?" Sonic asked.
"I went shopping for us. I also bought clothes for you." Tails explained.
"Really? What did ya buy?"
"Nothing special, really."
"Oh come on. I want to see what ya bought for me!"
"Fine. I'll show you." Tails stood up from his seat and grabbed his car keys before heading out the front door.
"Wait for me, Tails!" Sonic shouted after him.
In no time at all the pair reached the mall. Tails parked in front of a store called "Rescue" and the two of them stepped out.
"I've always wanted to go shopping like that ever since I was a kid." Sonic commented with a big grin.
"Really?!" Tails laughed.
"Yeah. I've always dreamed of going shopping like that with someone." Sonic replied, blushing as he scratched the back of his head awkwardly.
Tails nodded as he placed the bag that contained their clothing on a nearby display table.
"Come on, Sonic." Tails said, dragging Sonic towards the entrance of the store.
Once they entered the store, Sonic immediately started looking around.
"This place looks amazing!" Sonic exclaimed.
"Yeah. I'm glad you like it." Tails replied.
"Can we go look at the clothes?" Sonic asked.
They walked through the store, taking in all of the different options available to them. Sonic was completely focused on the various choices that appeared in the clothes. Every now and then he would point to an item, asking if Tails had seen or tried it. Tails always agreed to try them and Sonic would take each and every one of those items. By the end of their shopping trip, Tails was pretty disappointed. He didn't find anything he liked and even had a feeling that most of these shirts would be too small on him due to the fact that he was 5'7". And those pants were too tight for Tails. There was nothing he loved about the selection that he saw in the store other than the food Sonic chose. But Sonic didn't seem too disappointed as he picked up a large box of pizza and held it tightly, smiling at Tails with glee.
"Tails. Pizza is the best food!"
And with that they headed back home. They were hungry and tired, but still excited for tomorrow. The two were sitting together on the couch, sipping some tea as Tails continued to read his porno with the vibrator still up his ass. He giggled a little as he continued listening to the vibrator bounce around in his bum while he was still naked. After half an hour, the buzzing stopped and Sonic spoke up.
"Okay. I have to pee."
He got up from the sofa and disappeared upstairs. Tails giggled and laid back down. Before long, Sonic came back downstairs, dressed in sweatpants and a tshirt, holding a bottle of water. Tails chuckled a little to himself as he saw his boyfriend struggling to walk with his box of pizza tucked under his arm and his shirt unbuttoned halfway down his chest.
"Need help there, babe?"
"Nah, I got this. Here, put this down."
He handed Tails the pizza box while keeping the water bottle in the other hand. Tails nodded and took the beer can off Sonic's hands. Sonic quickly pulled his tshirt and jeans back together before walking up to the bathroom.
As he closed the bathroom door, Sonic noticed that cock was hardened when seeing Tails' cutie booty. Sonic felt so full of desire that he couldn't even imagine how he could satisfy Tails right now. Sonic smirked as he opened the bottle of cold water and began drinking slowly.
Tails looked at the door of the bathroom curiously. Was Sonic alright? Usually he wouldn't hesitate to jump into bed as soon as they arrived home. Why did he take so long?
After waiting for about 15 minutes, the boy decided to knock lightly on the bathroom door.
"Sonic? Are you okay?"
"Umm... Yeah. Just peachy." he heard from the other side of the door.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes I'm sure. Now please leave me alone so I can continue eating my pizzas."
"Sonic." Tails sighed. "You know that I can tell when something is wrong. If you're fine just say so and we'll go back home."
"I said leave me alone!"
The blue hedgehog could barely contain himself anymore. He was extremely horny and frustrated from being stuck at home without Tails. He needed to release his frustration somehow. Without any further ado, Sonic pushed the door of the bathroom open and jumped on Tails with his lips. At first the Omega was a bit surprised, but quickly responded and kissed Sonic back.
Sonic moaned as he felt Tails' tongue enter his mouth. He wrapped his arms around Tails' waist and lifted him up. Tails wrapped his legs around Sonic's waist and hugged him tightly. Sonic carried Tails to the bedroom and laid him down on the bed.
"Sonic... You'rrrreee." Tails whined playfully.
Sonic removed his clothes, leaving him naked. As soon as the two were naked, Sonic started kissing Tails again. He moved his hand slowly up and down on Tails' butt before lifting his hips up and entering Tails deep inside.
The Omega screamed out as Sonic pounded inside of him.
"Waaaaaahhhhhhh!!!" Tails cried loudly. His nails dug in to Sonic's skin. A low growl escaped from Sonic's throat at Tails' reaction.
"Sonic... Please...."
Without saying another word, Sonic grabbed Tails' butt cheek and slammed into Tails repeatedly. He thrusts his hips harder until he finally exploded inside of Tails. As soon as Sonic released himself from Tails, he collapsed beside Tails, panting heavily as he wiped away a few beads of sweat from his forehead.
"That was intense!" Tails smiled.
"Yeah... Pretty fucking intense.." Sonic chuckled as he caressed the side of Tails' face.
"Yer such a tease..."
"Well you weren't complaining about last night were you?" Sonic teased with a smug smirk on his lips.
"Hmph. That's because I don't mind having sex with you... I don't care if you are a dirty pervert like your brother." Tails smirked and ran his finger down the length of his boyfriend's cock.
"Yeah?! And how's that?"
"Because I love you, Sonic."
Tails stared lovingly into his eyes and slowly kissed him passionately.
"I love you too. More than I think I ever have."
Sonic was currently lying flat on his stomach, snoring slightly and drooling onto his pillow. It was early morning as usual, but the blue blur wasn't in his room. Instead, he was on the couch with his wank out. Tails noticed this and started to suck the member with passion. When he finished sucking and licking up all of the cum, he laid down next to Sonic and snuggled close to him as the red haired man snored away.
A few minutes passed before Tails woke up fully. Opening his eyes, he noticed that Sonic had his arm draped over him protectively. Looking at his wristwatch, he noticed that he slept quite late.

Love and Speed (A sonic x tails fanfic) (Written using Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt