Chapter 21: Mighty

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Tails and Sonic were sitting on the couch, eating pizza while Sonic played some music with his phone.
"What song is that?" Tails asked.
"You know what it is," Sonic teased. "It's Fist Bump! My Theme for when me and the Rookie used to take down Infinite."
"Haha, I remember."
Just then, someone knocked on the door.
Sonic went over to answer it and was pleasantly surprised when he found his friends standing on the other side. He opened the door wide enough for them to enter and then shut it.
"Hi guys! Come in."
It was Mighty! He looked so conked out.  Sonic chuckled lightly.
"Wow, Mighty. Did you drink too much beer or something?"
Mighty smiled sleepily before responding.
"No, no, not drunk. Just had a long night..."
Gawking at him, Sonic replied: "Well, come on in anyway. Take a seat."
Mighty nodded his head and plopped down on a nearby chair, not even minding the fact that it almost fell over in the process. Shadow followed suit, albeit a bit slower due to his still injured leg.
"Heyyy~. So what've you been doing? I haven't seen you since yesterday."
Shadow answered: "Same ol', same ol'."
"And, Tails?"
"Ah, yes. Well, today we decided to leave early for the meet up because we were running a little late."
Mighty raised his brows.
"Huh?! So you're leaving?"
"Then why did you come back? And how are you so fast?"
"Because I called one of my friends who runs security for our restaurant and asked him to cover our restaurant until we arrive."
"Wait, really?? Man, I thought that we had a lot of security guards at the restaurant now."
"Well, we still do but most of them are just there to keep our restaurant safe and secure. We still have another twenty security guards guarding us in case any bad guys show up."
"Really??? Wow... You must really trust your staff a lot, then..."
Shadow rolled his eyes.
"Damn restaurant always acts that sus. Sticks was caught having sex with Emerl last week!"
"Seriously?! Whoa, seriously!? Are they okay? Wait, why did she even do that? Does she have a thing against Emerl?"
Before Shadow could say anything else, the doorbell rang. All heads turned towards the source of the noise. Everyone was curious who would visit at that time, especially because none of them knew anyone that worked at the restaurant except for Rouge.
"Maybe it's a guest?" Tails suggested.
Everyone shrugged, so Sonic headed to the door to open it for whoever came knocking. When he turned to the side he realized who he was facing.
It was Ray, he had a condom in his hand and already had an erect penis. "I'm here for Mighty? We need to fuck," Ray said to his to find his boyfriend.
Everyone watched in disbelief as Sonic rushed to catch Mighty before his ex boyfriend threw his body at Ray and straddled him. They were all shocked at the fact that they weren't the first one to get their rocks off (although Ray had definitely gotten his). As everyone gathered around, Ray got down on one knee and gently lifted up Mighty's hips. After getting Mighty onto Ray's lap, he pulled down Mighty's pants and started thrusting into him with one swift motion. Meanwhile, Mighty was struggling to breath, the entire situation being extremely uncomfortable. He wanted to cry out and scream for help, but his words got stuck in his throat and he just kept silent. After the third time that Ray hit Mighty's prostate, Mighty was able to release.
As Ray was pulling his pants back up, Sonic finally spoke up, his voice filled with relief and joy.
Ray simply grinned.
"Don't thank me yet!" He says as he walks out of the door.
As soon as Ray left, Sonic turned around and faced his friends once again. He blushed and scratched behind his ear sheepishly.
"Er, heya, guys... Sorry for what happened earlier... I guess it really isn' my fault, but I'm just so happy that all three of you made it home safely. That was one hell of a fight and I wouldn't want any of the girls that are here to get hurt."
"We'll make sure no one does."
Shadow said.
"So you'r gonna come watch the movie with us again tonight?"
"Hell yeah I will!"
"Alright, let's get to the basement now. I wanna eat before the movie starts, and Tails has been whining for me to start it."
"Aww man, fine. See you later, guys!!"
With that said, Mighty and Ray shut the door to head to their apartment to fuck some more. Shadow leaves as well.
"Shadow? Where are you going?" Sonic asked.
Shadow says: "I'm gonna have sex with Amy. I'll miss you tho, since you were my ex."
He kisses his ex on the forehead as Tails looked in disbelief.
"Shadow, you can't be serious!"
After the others had left for Sonic's place, Tails turned to Sonic, who was sitting next to him on the couch.
"Do you want to talk about what happened earlier?" He asked.
"Hmm..." Sonic paused for a moment as if he were contemplating on telling Tails about what he had done, but ultimately decided against it. Instead, he smiled. "Nah, I'm okay. Besides, it's not like Shadow really wanted to fuck me anyways. I know that he likes me... but now only as a friend..."
"Well, that doesn't mean you can't still love him." Tails argued.
"No Tails. It means that Shadow wants to get laid, not me. If he had wanted to hookup with me I think I'd have done it ages ago."
"That doesn't change anything."
"What do you mean?"
"If Shadow loves me the way I love you then we should be together. But the way things are right now it looks like neither one of you have that kind of chemistry."
Sonic sighed deeply.
"I know. I just... I just want to be alone with you. Free of all the annoying side characters we met and focus on the two of us... Like Adam and Eve..."
"Adam and Eve?", Tails chuckled.
"Shut up, you don't get it."
"Okay. Then tell me what you want."
"Nothing, I promise. I just want this date to go great and then I'm leaving."
Tails nods his head understandingly.
"Sounds perfect. Now, let's start watching the movie."

Love and Speed (A sonic x tails fanfic) (Written using stories live. Discover now