Epilogue: Tails Gets Pregnant and Gives Birth

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Tails woke up today feeling off. He tries to feel his crotch, but realizes that he now has a big belly. Sonic opens the door. "What happened?!"
"Sonic, I think I'm pregnant!"

"Oh no..."
Sonic quickly runs back to their bedroom and picks up the phone. He punches some numbers on the keyboard and dials the number for Rouge.
"Hello?.... Yes, it's me..... Oh great...... What?!........ No! I'm not telling you what's wrong!!...Well.... Well.... I guess that's a good thing....... Okay... Alright.... Yeah, just be there soon. Bye."
He hangs up the phone and turns to Tails.
"Rouge is on the way over."
Tails sits up and rubs his tummy.
"What? Why?!"
"Apparently she figured something out."
Sonic replies confused.
"She thinks that if we tell our families about us, we might be kicked out of the city."
Tails blinked several times.
Sonic nodded and continued:
"How the fuck did you get pregnant anyway?! YOU'RE A BOY!"
"I don't know, but I might have a vagina! I don't know waht to do-"
At that point, Tails' water broke.
"Oh no..." Tails said.
"SHIT!!!" Sonic thought. "HE'S GONNA GIVE BIRTH!!!"
The doctor ran to his bedside.
"Alright, calm down! Don't panic!"
He grabbed the wet towels next to the sink and started wiping Tails' body dry. After a minute of struggling, Tails managed to sit back on the bed.
"Ugh. I can barely move. Sonic? Could you call Mom?"
Sonic nodded and left the room. Tails sighed before reaching for the phone again and starting to dial the number. However, his hand never reached the receiver. Suddenly, the ringing stopped. Tails frowned, concerned.
Tails tried calling again, but nothing happened. His mother answered after the fourth attempt.
"What do you want, Tails?" She asked in a monotone tone.
"Mom... Where are you? Dad said you'd be coming by later but you're supposed to be here!"
"Are you talking to me now, son?"
There was a few seconds of silence.
"...I see. Are you excited, sweetheart?"
"Of course I am, MOMMY! Now tell Dad, he's gonna be a grandfather!!!"
"Oh, well... If you say so.... I'll be sure to call him."
"Goodbye mom! Love you! Bye!"
After hanging up, Tails waited patiently until he heard the sound of footsteps. Just as he hoped, his dad walked in. His arms were filled with bags and clothes.
"Tails, hey buddy! How are you doing? Is this how you're getting ready for your own baby shower?"
He set all of the items next to the bed.
"Uh huh, Dad.. And no, I'm not getting ready for anything special. Today's the day of my big announcement!"
"Oh wow! I can hardly believe that this is happening."
"It kinda feels like it's happening too fast." Tails said.
That was when the head of a hedgehog that looked suspiciously like Sonic appeared out of the vagina.
"Ah Shit." Sonic said, as Tails is attempting manual labor to give birth.
His father walked over to them.
"What are you trying to do? Have you gotten it all the way out yet?"
"No. But I'm doing okay."
Suddenly Tails began screaming, which startled Sonic and his father.
"Shit. That wasn't supposed to happen."
"AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" Tails screams giving birth to a baby version on Sonic.
"He's so adorable!" Tails' father says. "So cute!"
Tails stops screaming and sighs happily. Sonic picks the baby up and looks at him with wide, blue eyes.
"This little guy is ours?" He whispered.
Tails nods.
"He's pretty tiny though."
A smile crept on his face.
"Yeah.. And pretty weak. He only weighs five pounds... Do you think you could feed him?"
Sonic stares at him for awhile, then smiles and nods. He walks to the kitchen and begins searching the fridge.
While waiting, Sonic takes notice that the boy in front of him keeps staring at Sonic's chest. He notices his stare and glances down.
"Wait...? Why do I still feel weird?- GAH!!!"
Tails says before pumping out another baby, this time, one that looks like Tails.
"No way! TWINS?!?!" Sonic exclaimed. "Are they twins?... Uh huh! Look! They have the same color fur and their tails are the same length!"
Sonic looks up and sees Tails smiling at him. He gives him a warm smile and leans in and kisses him.
"I love you, kid." Sonic whispers.
As Sonic was kissing Tails' lips softly, the baby in his grasp yawned and closed its eyes. Then, it suddenly jerks forward, making Sonic and Tails fall backwards from surprise. The baby falls to the floor and hits it's head.
The baby let out a high pitched cry as he fell.
"Shit!" Tails exclaims.
Sonic and Tails jump back up to look at the baby.
"OH SHIT!!!" Sonic exclaims looking back at Tails.
Sonic grabs the baby and brings it to Tails, who stares at it with confusion before asking:
"Why does he look like me?"
"Well... because he's your twin."
"But how could that be?! I don't even remember having any siblings."
"That's why we need to find our parents." Sonic stated simply. "And hopefully we'll figure it out once we find them."
"Okay." Tails said. Then the baby starts crying again, reminding Sonic to change him. So he does, taking care of the baby before passing him to his wife.
Rouge arrives in about ten minutes with an excited expression on her face. So did Knuckles, Shadow, Charmy, Cream, Vector, Espio, Sticks, Emerl, Silver, Blaze, Omega, Gamma, Mighty, Ray, Honey, Tangle, Whisper, Big, Cheese, Chocola, Vanilla, and everyone else to witness the miracle.
"Wow! Congratulations, boys!" Cream exclaims.
Vector smiles at Sonic.
"I hope they're strong."
Sticks giggles.
"I think they already have strong genes. And I think their names should go together."
Everyone laughed except Cream.
"I have a name for him too!"
Everyone rallied cuz they were a tad too excited for Sonic and Tails' kids. Amy too!
Sonic intervenes, saying: "How about Manik the Hedgehog and Skye Prower?"
Everyone liked the name and Tails hugged Sonic with tears of joy.
"Thank you Sonic!"
Everyone else hugged Tails, congratulating him. Soon, Knuckles, Sonic, Amy, Rouge, Cream, Cream, and Sticks decided to leave as Rouge had a very important business call and wanted to take Rouge's daughter with her.
After their goodbyes, Tails looked at the children, and decided that family will be more important than anything. Sonic agrees as they go back home.
"We still need to clear up your vagina situation, buddy." Sonic says with a grin.
"Heh... I love you, Sonic..." said Tails as they walk out of the hospital.

The End.

Love and Speed (A sonic x tails fanfic) (Written using Dreamily.ai)Where stories live. Discover now