For friends and colleagues - Tess

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The year is 2466. A planet somewhere in outer space near the solar system.

Over these many years, humanity has reached unprecedented heights in technology, science and space exploration. As for the Earth... It has long become uninhabitable due to the activities of the same humanity, so they had to master other planets, and then galaxies. The technique was really at its peak, everything was brought to perfection and automatism. Robots, of which there were as many as people, if not more, scurried back and forth, and were literally at every step.

Agriculture was not in decline, but it could not boast of a good state of affairs. However, the obvious advantage was that there was now enough food for everyone. After all, for so many years they were able to create a sufficient number of varieties of food for themselves. In general, things are better here than on Earth. And the poor planet, although if it were alive, would rather be glad that it returned to its almost original state before the appearance of people. So, it seems to be not poor.

Some kind of pub in one of the bustling megacities.

A pretty girl was sitting at one of the tables glowing with a dim purple light, dressed in a black futuristic bodysuit with cutouts on the side and chest. Although the word "pretty" does not suit her very well. She could rather be called a stunning or incredible beauty. Her appearance and figure attracted a lot of vulgar looks. But she didn't care. She often goes to such establishments, especially after long trips to work. Usually he takes something to drink and reads a book. However, it is worth saying that books are not what we used to imagine.
At the moment, these are translucent screens framed on both sides by small strips of plastic that serve as a kind of handles. It was such a device that the heroine used to distract her brain from work, at least for a short time. The girl was one of those employees who could not be replaced. She was a professional in her field, everything that her little hand touched began to work the way she needed it, as if by magic. However, magic has nothing to do with it. This is the merit of science, or rather the fact that the girl understood it with distinction. After a few minutes of reading, she noticed a young man walking towards her, put down her "book" and looked up at him.

- Good evening, miss. Can I get you anything? The young man was clearly nervous. Of course, how can you behave calmly here when you have such a woman in front of you! But in spite of everything, he tried to adhere to business etiquette and not allow himself too much.

- Yes, I think you can bring me a bottle of dry red wine and one glass. Thank you.

The pub was playing typical club music - one of the remnants of earthly life. The girl liked her because the uncomplicated motives made it possible not to listen to the text. Tapping the table with her index finger in time, she forgot that she had ordered alcohol for herself. But the clumsy waiter reminded me.

- Miss, your wine, - he took the bottle and glass from the tray, putting it on the table.

- You'll bring the bill in fifteen minutes. Thank you, - the girl gave the guy a slight smile, without even showing her teeth, to which he blushed and hurried away so as not to interfere.
Despite the fact that now there are more than a trillion humanoid creatures and, in fact, people in the universe, the heroine remembered almost everyone with whom she personally crossed paths at least once. And out of the same trillion creatures, she will fall in love with him. But for this we need to bide our time.
In the meantime, let's go back to the pub, where for fifteen minutes the girl has been drinking her wine and politely dismissing annoying men.

- "Another one," she already thought, as soon as she saw another tipsy representative of the opposite sex from afar.

- Hello, miss, - he unceremoniously sat down on a chair next to her.

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