Try to inhale and exhale

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Life was getting better. Tess was able to overcome all adversity and live a normal life, as it was before. Although less than three months had passed, the girl was doing great. She hardly thought about Lee, she was doing well at work, for which she was more than once generously rewarded.

It was one of the weekdays. She was sitting in front of a hologram of the beach and swinging her legs as if they were in warm sea water. Something resembling the wind was playing with her hair, robot birds were flying by, the bright sun was shining hard, trying to create a pleasant summer atmosphere.

There have never been beaches on Adams' home planet. But she had read about them in books about Earth. There they were. And a lot! There are many sandy clean beaches with the same clear blue or turquoise water, with a light breeze and a shining sun. One of Tess's most cherished desires is to be on the beach. To eat that very earthly ice cream in a cone. Walk in the evening on cool water, enjoying the chirping of insects or the trills of birds that haven't had time to fall asleep yet. Or dance under the translucent moonlight in complete silence with the person with whom you are going to spend the rest of your little life.
In modern realities, it was impossible to do this, so the girl coped as best she could: she came to her laboratory a couple of hours earlier and turned on various holographic projectors, which created the necessary picture, sometimes voluminous. So she brought reality closer to her dream.
And one day the girl decided that it was time to find a way to make her dream come true. She was going to find a real beach. In fact, it was quite difficult: until now, the open planets were striking with an abundance of ecosystems and various types of natural conditions, but among them there was not that ideal beach. But, fortunately, one such planet was found. She was quite on the edge of the zone that was well enough studied to be on it and feel safe - GTR-886E. That's where Miss Adams went.

It was a long time to fly to her and not very fun, since Tessa was alone all this time. Eric couldn't join because he had his own very important work worries. But he made the girl promise: she had to show him every nanometer of this planet and the beach to which she was heading. Well, I had to agree, otherwise he wouldn't have let her go.
After a while, the glider landed on a rocky surface.

- If the whole planet is like this, it will be very insulting. I couldn't have made a mistake and landed on the wrong planet.

The girl decided to walk a little deeper into the planet. And for good reason. After ten minutes of walking, she saw the perfect landscape: the purest turquoise sea water, white warm sand, palm trees, birds - paradise! There were other people here besides Tessa, but they were far enough away not to interfere with each other. Undressing, the girl put on her swimming suit and entered the water up to her ankles.

- Ah, what a pleasant water! Blissfully closing her eyes, Tessa felt every little wave with her feet, felt them diverge in bizarre circles.
Curiosity pushed me to go forward. And the girl walked, plunging her body deeper and deeper into the salt water. Now almost the whole body was in the water. Except for the neck and head.

- My God! Paradise in reality! We need to take this off for Eric.

The girl took out her phone and began taking photos, and then recorded a short video so that a friend could better see everything around. After standing for some more time, Adams wanted to swim deeper, to where her feet no longer reached the bottom.
But a storm came from somewhere, huge waves rose and a strong wind blew. The girl could not swim out on her own, swallowed water and lost consciousness.
Being unconscious, the girl slowly went under the water. Surprisingly, none of the people who managed to get closer could swim and dive well, so there was no one to save Tess. Except for one person- Lee. By some miracle, he realized that the girl was not answering his calls for a reason, hurried to find her and caught the moment when she was under water. Without a second's hesitation, he stripped down to his underwear and dived into the water. Fortunately, he had strong legs and managed to catch up with Adams' sinking body. Turning her back to him, he took her under his chest with one hand, and with the other helped himself to the surface. Pace surfaced after the girl's head appeared above the water. Panting, he swam to the shore, pushing Tessa out there too. Immediately after that, the man began to give her artificial respiration and heart massage so that the excess water left the body, and she woke up.

Soon there was a cough and heavy breathing.

- Well, hush, hush. Calm down, swimmer. Try to inhale and exhale. You're already on the shore," Lee lightly slapped the girl on the back, supporting her there to help her rise above the sand.

"Thank you," she said indistinctly.

- You're welcome. But you really scared me. I think we need to talk about this. But later. An ambulance will come and examine you now.

The man looked at the girl with a caring look and put his arm around her shoulders to warm her. She was shivering all over from the cold, one of Lee's hands was missing, and he threw his jacket over her. The shirt he was wearing before was torn, as it was easier to take it off that way. After putting on his trousers, the man sat down next to him.

"You're angry, aren't you?" - the girl asked without enthusiasm.

"That, too. But I was more afraid for you than angry. It was not worth taking such a rash step. Very childish, which is not typical of you.

- You're turning on your arrogance again. Don't babysit me, I'm not ten years old," Tess made an effort and turned her body away from the man. Without turning around anymore, she waited for the ambulance. Doctors, noticing the victim from afar, hurried to her.

"Miss, how are you feeling?" Do you know what day it is today? Do you know where you are?

- Yes, I didn't hit my head, - she answered a little rudely, - thank you for coming so soon. My head still hurts a little. And I swallowed water, it seems.

Having done all the necessary manipulations, the doctors eased the girl's situation, but she was not able to return home. Pace offered to take her home.

- That's really whose help I don't need, it's yours! Adams crossed her arms over her chest and stared at Pace.

"You're too vindictive. I have already apologized and tried to atone for my guilt in all known ways. What can I do to make you forgive me? the man sighed wearily.

- Don't meddle in my life anymore! You broke my heart, I can't forgive that. Even you. I'm going home with Eric. I've already contacted him, he'll be here soon. Thanks for saving me, but that's it. You can fly away.

But Lee didn't want to go anywhere. His feelings were still as strong as at the very beginning. Common sense did not allow her to be left alone even for a couple of minutes.
So he waited for Eric, and after his arrival he approached him and said:

- Get her home safely.

- I know what needs to be done. I'm sorry, but neither she nor I need your advice. We both know you've done something that can't be forgiven. And if you offended my friend, then you offended me. So, ciao!

The guy went to Tess, helped her up and get into his glider. They flew home.

Pace was left alone. It was quite painful for him to realize that Tess didn't want to forgive him. Had he done such a bad thing to her? Maybe he should just forget about her and live his normal life as a spy? But it's so hard: this girl has won his heart and does not want to let go.
Falling in love and love are at the same time the best and most terrible feelings in life. Pace remained standing in the middle of the beach and pondering all the events that had just happened.

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