I love you too

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A year has passed. Tessa and Lee have learned to live in a new universe, like many others. The girl very often worked as a volunteer: until now there were people who needed help. Many of those she had known before, as well as members of that very expedition, were dead. It was unbearably painful for a few more months, but after a year the wound healed. Lee was always there for Adams, together they overcame all problems.

* * *

Tessa was sitting between Lee's legs, and he was playing with her dark hair.

- They're so soft. I didn't even notice it before. - The girl did not answer anything, she just enjoyed his tenderness, attention, love, sometimes smiling and closing her eyes.
During this time, the man had managed to prove the strength of his feelings a hundred times, so now there was no doubt: Tessa and Lee were together.

- I have to go, Lee, - the girl suddenly turned around to face Pace.

"I don't want you to leave. Is it really that important? The man didn't take his hands off Tess's hair.

- Yes, my love. It is important.

- It's impossible without you?

- You can't do it without me.

The girl left a light kiss on his lips and changed into comfortable clothes for the flight.

- Listen, which dress is better to take with you? - Tessa came out of the wardrobe with a bunch of dresses in her hands, - This meeting is very important to me. I want to look perfect. - The man approached the girl and looked straight into her eyes.

- You are perfect in any clothes. And even without her," he winked at Adams. She laughed.

"Thanks, but I can't show up to the conference room naked.

- They would appreciate it. Just like me. - The girl smiled, but asked again:

- So what is it anyway? The man pointed his finger at one of the dresses.

- This is black. I haven't seen it on you yet.

- It's a gift from Eric. He has excellent taste.

"That's right. - Lee was silent for a couple of seconds, and then added:

- Try it on now, please.

- Okay. - The dress fit perfectly.

"I got the most beautiful girl in the universe," Lee said with a gasp and spun the girl in the air as if she were a child.

- Hey, let go, I'm going to be sick. Laughing, he lowered her to the floor.

- And you know how to spoil cute moments.

After a while, the girl said goodbye to Lee and flew away.

* * *

- So what do you suggest? You can't keep leaving people where there is no place to live! - Tessa broke her voice into a scream after the men around stopped taking into account what she was saying.

"Miss Adams, you need to calm down. We will solve this issue collectively," one of the men tried to restrain the girl, which she did not really like.

- good. I'll ask you again, but be quiet - what do you suggest?

- We do not have enough developed planets for the complete resettlement of residents of the affected territories. They will have to cope on their own. We're already doing everything we can. Tessa clutched the fabric of her dress in anger, unable to keep it to herself, but also unable to vent it out.

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