From scratch, but with old acquaintances

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Days, weeks, months passed. After that event, the girl no longer flew to other planets unaccompanied. By this time, she had already been promoted at work. Now Tessa is a senior honorary employee of their research center. Adams treated her new position with all responsibility: now she visited other planets with a delegation, discussed various types of beings at galactic meetings, and so on. Such activity did her good: the girl began to enter high society so much that literally every day she met with someone very important and famous.

Eric became her stylist, and his companion became a hairdresser and makeup artist part-time.

- "That's the life for me! One day, standing on the balcony of her new home, Tess thought, and who knew this would happen? I deserve it. I have worked hard, I have brought so much to the world of science, to its development. And how happy it is that Eric and Paul are together. They are great for each other. Eric is happy, and if he is happy, then so am I!"

The girl decided to leave her mansion and walk to the edge of the earth. Right at her feet was a bottomless dark abyss, and before her eyes was the boundless universe.

- "Fascinating."

The breeze lifted up dust motes and small particles of some metal. There wasn't a soul around. Not a single voice was heard. Just noise. The noise of the bustling life of space, the noise of planets, stars, asteroids, spaceships. It sounded so peaceful that I wanted to close my eyes and feel my unity with this boundless world, with the universe.
Tessa closed her eyes. The energy of this place literally permeated the fragile girlish body with thin silk threads. A pleasant feeling of calm, carefree.
A moment later, unhurried footsteps were heard from somewhere behind.

-Jonathan, you're here," Tess said almost noiselessly.

- Yes, honey. I came to check on you here.

The guy put his arm around the girl's shoulders, she pressed her back against him.
Jonathan is the lover of Tessa Adams. They met a few months ago during one of Tess's business trips. He is a collector, acquires works of art that have remained from earthly creators. Planet Earth is one of the girl's favorite topics. And, as it turned out, Jonathan's favorite topic.
With her beauty, Adams struck every man on the spot that day, Jonathan is no exception. The guy watched the girl all evening, and then invited her to dinner. Then another one. And more. This went on for several weeks, during which he generously gifted the girl with gifts and his attention.
And so their relationship began.

Now they are both standing on the edge of the earth and looking into the distance.

- Do you think there is a life that is still unknown to our science?

- Absolutely. That's what my work is built on," Adams answered quietly, measured, unhurriedly.

- It's getting chilly. I'm going back to the house. Are you with me?

"I'll stay here a little longer. I'll come back later.

The guy nodded and left.

Tessa remained standing where she was. She breathed in the cool air with a full chest, trying not to cry.
The girl did not know why she wanted to cry so much that evening. But she restrained herself. Not a single tear was on her beautiful face that evening.

Lee was getting deeper into his work every day. He often asked to be sent on dangerous missions and missions, away from this galaxy. All in order to put yourself in mortal danger and die heroically. Because without Tessa, he could not fully live, but he knew that he would never be able to bring her back.
Every day he behaved with restraint, coolly. And the only place where he could afford to vent his emotions that had been accumulating inside for a long time was his bathroom. In fact, a very strange choice, but in his defense I can say that this room was the most private in his house. No one would ever have seen him there.

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