I miss you

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The next morning was terrible. Tess had a hangover.

"A good start to the day requires a hearty breakfast, honey," Jonathan struggled to get Tess to eat. But she categorically refused.

- I'm not hungry. After yesterday's alcohol, I can't eat or drink at all. I got drunk too much yesterday after all," the girl was lying on her bed with Jonathan and sighing heavily.

- As you wish. But I'm worried. Are you sure you just had too much yesterday and didn't get sick? - The guy was clearly alarmed.

- It's okay. Give me a couple of hours, I'll be fine. Moreover, I have to work after lunch.
Adams' long, elegant fingers slid over the surface of the bedside table in search of a phone. The screen flashed: "I miss you."

The girl put the phone back in its original place.
- "What is he doing? The madman. He will not dare to destroy my happiness.." - Getting up from the bed, the girl pulled stretched trousers over her hips, and put an oversize hoodie on her torso. Then I went to the kitchen.

- "My mother used to make me delicious sandwiches for breakfast as a child. I'll try to repeat them."

Fifteen minutes and breakfast was ready. Although, come to think of it, it was already a late lunch.
Sitting down at her laptop, Tessa began to work. She rechecked various algorithms, read scientific articles. In short, she was preparing for the fact that she would soon fly at the head of a pioneering expedition to a new planet. Moving her eyes around the screen, the girl noticed that a letter had arrived at her email.
She turned on a feature that allowed her to listen to it.

"Miss Tessa Adams, I want to inform you that you have been given a great honor. You are assigned to the role of the one who will give the new planet its name. The deadlines for fulfilling this request are short: you have exactly one week before the start of our expedition. By this time, I ask you to inform us of your decision.
Yours sincerely, Albert."

End of the message.

- It can't be! This is definitely a dream! - the girl pinched her hand, trying to figure out whether it was a dream or reality.

- God, what an honor! We need to tell Jonathan and Eric!

The guys were very happy for Tess. Such an important task gave her the opportunity to become very influential in outer space, because they could not entrust it to anyone. And Tessa has been working so hard for this for so long. The girl decided to celebrate such an event. After waiting for her lover, she went with him to her new favorite bar - "Illusion".
In this place, the girl made a lot of friends, so they were glad to see and hear her.

"Oh, my dear Tess! - one of Tessa's new friends came out to her and hugged her, - How long have we not seen each other. Tell me, what's new? And who is this handsome guy next to you? She winked at the girl.

Tess laughed loudly.

- This is Jonathan, meet me. He's my boyfriend.

- It's nice to finally see you all. Tessa talked about you a lot.

- Really? one of the friends asked.

- Yes, you are great guys. Now I am completely convinced of this.

- So, Tess. What's new? - it was heard from somewhere in the crowd.

- Well, I was instructed to give the name of the planet to which I will fly with the expedition in a week!

People shouted with joy, simultaneously approaching the girl and hugging her, congratulating her.

"My dear, you deserve it.

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