4: Games

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Yamato: "*Sigh*...."

Hibiki: "Eh? Hey. Mato."

Yamato: "Huh? Oh, Hibiki. Hey."

Hibiki: "You're so out of energy. What the fuck happened?"

Yamato: "Nothing serious. Just bored..."

Hibiki: "Huh, I see."

Hibiki: "...."

Hibiki: "!"

Hibiki: "Hey! I bought a video game the other day and I want you to play it with me!"

Yamato: "A game...?"

Hibiki: "Yeah! Heard Akira made it. We should give it a try!"

Yamato: "Hmm....Alright then! Let's go~!"

Hibiki: "E-eh?! H-hey....Don't just leave me in the dust like this, you piece of shit!"

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