20: Cosplay

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Hibiki: "Hey!! Mato!!"

Yamato: "Ah! Hibi--AH!?"

Hibiki: "Huh? Oh, you mean this?"

Yamato: "Y-yeah...you look like Hatsune Miku with that outfit on..."

Hibiki: "That's because I am trying to look like Hatsune Miku!"

Hibiki: "Mugi lended me this Miku cosplay so that I can wear it! It's fun wearing it so far!"

Yamato: "Ah...I see!"

Yamato: "Hey! Can you sing a Miku song?!"

Hibiki: "Ha! Obviously! I'm the Ultimate Vocalist so I'm sure I can sing any Miku song with a beautiful and amazing singing voice~"

Yamato: "Haa....Still cocky about it, huh?"

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