15: It's Kinda Weird Now....

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Kara: "....."

Akira: "..."

Kara: "Huh?"

Hibiki: "Hm? What?"

Kara: "......."

Yamato: "Eeeh? What's up with Kara?"

Hibiki: "I....obviously don't know..."

Maki: "Is there something the matter, Kara?"

Kara: "Hm...Well now that I'm seeing you all like this....Now I feel odd..."

Akira: "Yeah actually...Me too..."

Xander: "Ugh, same."

Min: *Nod*

Kyoko: "Why, exactly?"

Yamato: "Yeah though!"

Kara: "Last night I dreamt of everyone in Class 79 having different talents and personalities."

Kara: "Yamato had Kakeru's talent and Hibiki had Setsuka's talent."

Kara: "Meanwhile, Maki had Himiko's talent."

Akira: "Huh? You had that dream too?"

Xander: "Eh?! You too?!"

Min: "All four of us do...?"

Kyoko: "Ah...I see."

Yamato: "....A-ah..."

Hibiki: "Me? A vocalist? I....I can't imagine that..."

Yamato: "Hueee!!! Yamato can't imagine himself being an inventor, either!!!"

Maki: "I....don't even know if I can even handle children....haha...."

(Ack- everyone in class 79 knows the whole 'Maki is the Ultimate Assassin!!!!" thing already in the og universe, in this universe too except with Himiko, but they're just trying to hide it lmao)

Xander: "Well whatever, it was only a dream anyways, so no need to think too deep into it."

Hibiki: "A-ah, okay then-!"

Yamato: "Alright~!"

Maki: "Well alright then."

Kara: (Welp....This'll take a long time to get back to being used to.....)
Rip Kara for feeling odd about this now big oof

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