23: Just Sadness...~

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Ft. Yamada cuz this man is just <3

Oh TW for mentions of murder ig

And probs an indirect spoiler for Arcaea's main story pack Final Verdict.


I did perhaps felt sadness after reading that story

Yamada: "Hmm~"

Yamada: "That rhythm game Uzuki showed me was challenging but really fun, not gonna lie..."

Yamada: "But the story...."

Yamada: "Ugh! Why does it have to end like that?!"

Yamada: "I can't believe that she killed the other girl."

Yamada: "She felt guilt too."

Yamada: "Huwa.....I don't think I can recover from that..."

Conversations In The Non-Despair AUOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz