26: Awkward Idols...

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Ft. Honami bc this girl is a cool idol girl (????) and i love her sm
Honami: "....."

Sayaka: "....."

Suzaku: "....Um...Haha! Uh, this is kinda awkward, y'know-?"

Honami: "W-well, yes."


Sayaka: "Why did it suddenly become so awkward, anyways...?"

Suzaku: "Hmm.....I dunno."


Honami: "I'm.......I'm gonna go for a bit."

Suzaku: "Huh? To where?"

Honami: "Just somewhere. See you both later."


Sayaka: "....U-um, why not we just...y'know....do some rehearsals...?"

Suzaku: "Yeah, sounds like a good idea, haha...."

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