10: Like Always

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Hibiki: "Hey, Min!"

Min: "....."

Hibiki: (Ugh....she's reading another book.)

Hibiki: (Typical Ultimate Student, I guess.)

Hibiki: "Um...hello?"

Min: "....."

Hibiki: "...."

Hibiki: (Haa...No use. She'll still read that book either way.)

Hibiki: (I really wanna hang out with her though.)

Hibiki: (Even if she could be a bit boring at times--Wait! No!)

Hibiki: (....Whatever.)

Min: "....What is it?"

Hibiki: "Ah! Well, wanna hang out while it's still lunchtime?"

Min: "Hmm....sure, I guess."

Hibiki: "Sweet! Follow me, then!"

Min: "A-ah....alright."

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