44: Can You Ask The Silence?

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Umi: "Hey, I wanna ask a question--"

Anju: "Can you ask the silence that question first?"

Umi: ".....H-huh?"

Anju: "Because I'm not interested in answering your question, Matsuzaki."

Umi: "A-ah..."

Umi: "Don't you at least have the answer to-"

Anju: "I'm not too sure either."

Umi: "T-then listen to my question first-!"

Anju: "I am sorry, but not now."


Umi: "E-eh....."

Umi: "Ugh, does Ryo-san know about this...?"

Umi: "Or does Miyu-san know about this...?"

Umi: "....."

Umi: "Ugh, whatever. Let me just search up an answer online..."

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