7: Checkmate

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Yamato: "Aaaaand....Checkmate!"

Yamato: "Ha! I beat you in another game of chess again~!"

Tsurugi: "*Sigh* You always beat me in a game of chess."

Tsurugi: "It's getting old, y'know..."

Yamato: "Well I can't control myself, y'know~? If I win, then I win. If you lose, then you lose. That's how things work sometimes, Tsurugi."

Tsurugi: "Well you're right, I guess."

Tsurugi: "Maybe I'm just complaining."

Yamato: "Haha! I can't imagine seeing Tsurugi Kinjo complaining about not being able to win at least one game of chess against The Great and Powerful Yamato Kisaragi!"

Tsurugi: "'The Great and Powerful Yamato Kisaragi'?"

Yamato: "Hehe, yeah~"

Tsurugi: "....*Sigh* You're a bit odd sometimes."

Yamato: "And you're a bit too serious sometimes, don't you know that?"

Tsurugi: "Oh shut up."

Tsurugi: "I want a rematch. Again."

Yamato: "Well alright then~ Prepare to lose again, Kinjo-kun!"

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