40: Something's Wrong...

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Uh oh
Tsurugi: "*Sigh* Another tiring day of school, I guess."

Tsurugi: "Welp, it's best if I head back to my dorm for now."

Tsurugi: "It seems like Kisaragi and Kurokawa are already back in their dorms. Might as well head back too."


Tsurugi: "...."

Tsurugi: "....!"


Tsurugi: "I swear...I feel like I'm being watched somehow..."

Tsurugi: "Ugh, whatever. I'll just--"

Anju: "Tsurugi Kinjo."

Tsurugi: "A-ah-!"

Anju: "Sorry. Did I scared you or startled you or anything?"

Tsurugi: "U-um, no. Maybe I was a bit startled since you suddenly came up behind me and called my name."

Tsurugi: "I thought I was alone..."

Anju: "I sincerely apologize for startling you then. I only wanted to stop by and say...hi. I guess."


Tsurugi: "...Mhm...I see..."

Anju: "...I'll be going now. See you tomorrow or someday, I guess."


Tsurugi: "....."

Tsurugi: "Suspicious..."

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