Chapter 25

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♕ chapter 25 ♕

♕ Trey

I stared at Diana as she slept on the side of me.

Right now I was filled with rage and so much anger towards Dante. I'm gonna make sure he's six feet under and I put that on everything, I'm gonna make him pay for this.

What kind of idiot would want to hurt his own kid? Running us all over made no sense and has to be the most dumbest shit he has done.

I grabbed Diana's hand and held it.

He's gonna learn not to mess with my family...

I guess Diana could feel my touch because she slowly started to open her eyes.

"Trey, how are you?" She asked me with a concerned look in her tired eyes.

I just shook my head and stayed silent.

"Trey?" She called out turning my head towards her.

"I'm gonna kill him Diana." I stated making her eyes wide.

"No, you can't. The police is already looking for him. They're gonna arrest him." She explained to me.

I rolled my eyes. "He's just gonna keep hiding from them. I have to handle this." I replied back ignoring everything that she said.

She shook her head rapidly.

"Trey! I don't want you to get in any trouble. Think about me and the kids , we need you." She said trying to convince me.

She then continued to talk quickly not letting me get a word in.

"Diana, damn it stop it!" I yelled angrily making her shut her mouth quick.

Her innocent eyes widen in shock. "But baby--"

"I can't let him get away with this shit. He already tried to hurt you before and I did nothing. Look how that turned out...I'm gonna teach his ass a lesson as soon as my legs start acting right." I demanded while looking down at my legs.

Diana couldn't say or do anything to change my mind and she knew that because she just nodded her head and stayed quiet.

"As soon as my legs start working properly , I'm coming for his ass. He ain't gonna know what hit him at all." I said to Diana.

"You have to do what you have to do right?" She asked with a tear coming out of her eye.

"Right." I said kissing her forehead , wiping her tear , and putting my hand on her cheek.


"Okay Mr. Songz we will only have you in the hospital for a couple of more days but after that you'll need to be in a wheelchair because of your legs. We will send a physical therapist everyday to help you operate your legs better and make sure your legs are healing properly." The doctor explain to me.

I nodded my head and shook his hand. "Thanks doc." I said before he walked out of the room.

I look at Diana who was staring off in space.

"Diana." I called out not catching her attention at all.

She must be thinking hard about something because she didn't move at all when I called her name.

"Diana!" I said slightly raising my voice a little bit.

She jumped. "Yes baby?" She asked finally turning to look at me.

"What are you thinking about?" I questioned her with my eyebrow raised.

"I was just thinking about how nice Dante use to be to me in the beginning and now how he has turned out to be a nightmare." She spoke.
I nodded my head.

"Come here." I said patting my lap.

She shook her head no. "Isn't that gonna hurt your legs?" She asked.

"I'm gonna be fine. Come here." I demanded pulling on her arm.

She sighed "fine." She replied back before climbing on my lap.

I groaned from the pain but continued to hold on to her.

"You know what I'm gonna do after I handle Dante?" I whispered to her in her ear.

"What?" She asked giggling a little bit as I planted kisses on her neck.

"I'm gonna marry you and after I marry you I'm gonna make you have my baby." I whispered while kissing all over her.

She giggled. "I can't wait."


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Xoxo - Msfanfictional ❤️

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