Ozarks witch switch (Yj)

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At the Ozarks, in the middle of pouring rain, the mystery machine is seen driving through.

Inside the gang are trying to get to the Ozark river.
"You're sure this is a short cut to the Ozark river? Like it seems the back road to Dracula's pad." Shaggy commented making Jake and scooby gulp loud.

 "Relax you three, just think on how fun we'll have tomorrow on our rafts tomorrow." Velma replied.
"Yeah I'm going to have to wear floats remember?" Jake added.
"Don't worry Jake, scooby and me can teach you how to swim." Daphne smiled at him.

Suddenly they started to hear 4 popping noises making Jake, shag, and scoob shake a lot.
"Someones shooting at us!" Shaggy yelled.
"Re gotta ride!" Scooby replied making the three duck under the seats as the van stopped.

"Four flat tires." Fred sighed. "One spare."
"I guess we're stuck here for the night." Daphne added.
"Stuck here!?" Jake poked his head out.
"Ror the right!?" Scooby added.
"Uh uh!" The 2 shook their heads and ran out.

"We gotta fix these tires so we can leave creepy country." Jake put his finger in the hole of a tire. "Okay scoob, blow it up."
Scooby did but the air flew out of the hole.
"It unfortunately doesn't work like that Jake." Velma told him.

"We better find a place to spend the night then." Fred told them.
"Hey a old cabin!" Velma pointed a old looking cabin with lights coming out of it.

"Hey a old cabin!" Velma pointed a old looking cabin with lights coming out of it

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"Let's go gang." Fred told them and they walked to the cabin with fred knocking on the door.

A man with a straw hat brown hair, blue overalls, and dark orange long sleeve shirt answered the door.

A man with a straw hat brown hair, blue overalls, and dark orange long sleeve shirt answered the door

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"Ye?" He asked.
"Our van broke down with four flats tires, can you put us up for the night?" Velma asked.
The man growled and shut the door.

Scooby imitated him making Jake chuckle.
"Hey you can't leave us out in this storm!" Fred called banging on the door making the man open it again.

"Alright you can stay, but at your own risk." The man replied.
"Own risk!?" Shag, Jake and scooby asked.

As the man led the gang inside, they never noticed a black cat watching in the distance. . .

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