No face zombie chase (teen jake)

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The gang was in a shop at coolsville called Hero Sandwich for dinner.
"Wow, a 6 ft hero sandwich." Daphne jokes and the gang laughed as Shag and Scoob had a long sandwich.
"Like we need to cut this up, hey little buddy, mind going outside with scoob and holding that end?" Shaggy asked.
"No problem shaggy." Jake smiled and the 2 went outside. The 2 was holding it when a door slammed open behind them and out came a faceless figure with a pink robe on. It's left leg was limping so it looked like it was dragging it. In its hand was a coin case and growled slowly making it's over to the 2.

"ZOMBIE!" The 2 screamed and jumped through the window and onto the table

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"ZOMBIE!" The 2 screamed and jumped through the window and onto the table.
"What's with you guys?" Velma asked.
"There's some kind of slender man zombie out there!" Jake explained.
"Slender who?" Fred asked.
"Like he's a tall faceless guy who wears a business suit- DID YOU SAY IT HAD NO FACE!?" Shaggy asked.
"RUH HUH!" Scooby put a napkin covering his face.
"ZOINKS!" Shaggy yelled and hid under the table.

"It had this pink cloak on and headed towards me and scoob as it dragged it's left leg." Jake explained.
"Reah!" Scooby started to imitate the thing they saw.

Suddenly they heard sirens and outside came a lieutenant with the store owner.

"I'm the owner of the coin store, Lieutenant

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"I'm the owner of the coin store, Lieutenant. The robber knew exactly what he was after, the golden galleon. A rare 16 century coin. Oh I should've known this would have happened." The owner told him.

"How come?" The Lieutenant asked.
"Because over 100 years ago, it's owner placed a curse on it. Bad luck to anyone who possessed it and swore to reclaim it. Now his zombie has been roaming the earth for centuries for it." The owner explained.
"Curse? Zombie? Look sir, I'm only after the facts. Too bad there were no witnesses." The Lieutenant replied.

"There were sir, 2 of them." Fred told him as the gang was coming outside.
"Our friends saw." Velma added.

"Tell me what did you see?" The Lieutenant asked.
"A no-faced zombie." Jake replied and pulled up his hood and pretended to be the zombie.
"Ruh huh! Ruh huh!" Scooby nodded. "Re had a roin case."
"Yeah he had this coin case in hand and tried to swipe at us." Jake nodded.
"Look, I have important work to do. So go home and watch tv." The Lieutenant left.

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