Scare alot In Camelot (Aj)

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In new england, the gang was sitting at a show showing a magician called Zarko the magician.

In new england, the gang was sitting at a show showing a magician called Zarko the magician

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"Will two brave volunteers please step forward." He called.
"Like that's not us." Shaggy commented.
"Reah." Scooby nodded.
"Two free dinners will be given to the volunteers." Zarko added.

"Rinners?!" Scooby licked his lips.
"Like that is us!" Shaggy smiled as the two ran up there.
"Heh that's shaggy and scooby for ya." Adrian giggled.

On stage, zarko had the two step into a box and when he closed the door, He announced what he was doing.
"Now I shall saw my two volunteers in half!" Zarko announced.
"What?!" Adrian asked scared.
"Don't worry shooting star, its just a magic trick." Jake explained.
"I can't watch." Adrian covered their eyes as zarko cut the box in half.
"Ret's get out rof here!" Scooby yelped.
"Yeah like with what's left of us!" Shaggy added.
The two tipped over and jumped with the bottom box grew legs and ran into shaggy and scooby destroying the boxes to reveal a man in the other box with shaggy and scooby still ok just knees up to their shoulders.

The two tipped over and jumped with the bottom box grew legs and ran into shaggy and scooby destroying the boxes to reveal a man in the other box with shaggy and scooby still ok just knees up to their shoulders

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"Hey! Like we're ok!" Shaggy sighed relived.
"YOU TWO RUINED MY ACT!" Zarko yelled as the audience booed.
"Like sorry zark but uh do we still get our dinners?" Shaggy asked?"
"DINNERS? AGHHH!" Zarko yelled frustrated making shag and scoob run back to the gang.
"Like let's a do dissapearing act out of here!" Shaggy told them.
"It's time to go anyways we should be shaggys uncles by now." Fred looked at his phone to see the time.
"Ret's go!" Scooby replied with him and shaggy running out.

On the road, velma got curious. 
"Hey shag? Question, who is your uncle?" She asked.
"Oh he's my grandpa rogers brother who my dad and other uncle, uncle nathaniel, are my grandpas sons." Shaggy explained. "Like did I never tell any of you?" 
"Not that I can remember." 
"Not really."
"Nope sorry."
"Huh like I guess it slipped my mind." Shaggy commented. "Like anyways my uncle shagworthy home is really- There it is!"
He pointed at a creepy looking castle ahead.

 "Like anyways my uncle shagworthy home is really- There it is!"He pointed at a creepy looking castle ahead

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