The Demonic howl of the baskervilles hound (TJ)

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After the warlock of Wimbledon case, the mystery machine is seen driving down a road passing a sign with "baskerville" on it.

"Like baskervilles?" Shaggy questioned.
"Who names a town baskerville?" Jake asked.
"It's named by the founders, the baskersvilles who said to have an evil curse." Velma explained.

"CURSE?!" Jake shaggy and scooby asked.
"Oh yeah the legend of the baskervilles hound, but it's only a legend." Daphne added.
"Well something is taking Henry Baskervilles sheep and he said he's been hearing a demonic howl in the dead of night." Fred told them.

The gang drove past a field of sheep to a huge mansion.

"Rhoa!" Scooby commented.
"You can say that again." Jake replied.

The gang walked out to meet two men.

"I am henry baskerville, you must be the detectives I hired

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"I am henry baskerville, you must be the detectives I hired." The man smiled and shook freds hand.
"Yep that's us. Glad to help." Fred replied.
"This is my friend, Jack stapleton." Henry introduced the other man.

"I don't think they should be here henry, the hound could make them disappear like the staff and sheep

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"I don't think they should be here henry, the hound could make them disappear like the staff and sheep." Jack told Henry.
"D-did you say disappear?" Shaggy asked.
"Yes, the hound hasn't been seen for years, until a few months ago when Henry had taken the mansion back." Jack explained.
"How do you know it's the hound?" Velma asked.

"Jack said he's seen it while out checking the sheep." Henry explained.
"I'm lucky to be alive, it was tall snarling, like a monsterous hound creature." Jack explained.
Daphne looks over to see jake and scooby trying to sneak away.
"Hold it you two." She grabbed jake's hood and scoobys collar.
"Come in and rest, the hound only comes at night." Henry told them.

That night everyone was in the living room with a fireplace.
"The hound never came around until you took this place back henry." Jack told him. "Maybe if you abandon it, the hound will go away."
"No jack, I worked too hard to get this place back in my familys name, and I will not let a supernatural monster scare me off!" Henry replied.
"That's the spirit henry, we'll make sure this hound knows who's boss." Velma commented.
"So where did this hound come from?" Fred asked.

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