Whatta shocking ghost!

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On the gangs way to a skii resort, the road was snowing hard and it was freezing. 

 "With all this steep and windy road like this, I don't know how people come up here to skii." Daphne commented.
"I hope we get to town soon, we're almost out of gas." Fred added.
"Not only that, our heaters out and its 20 bellow outside." Velma sighed.
 "Anyone got some fire wood?" Jake asked shivering with shag and scoob who was all under neath 3 blankets, in 4 sweaters each, earmuffs, and 2 sweatpants each. 

 "Hey look Herbs hamburger place. Winter haven 1 mile ahead." Daphne pointed out.
 "A town and some food, hallelujah." Shaggy smiled.
"Rallelujah!" Scooby cheered. 

 In winter haven, they made it but it looked deserted and blacked out. 

 "That's strange." Fred commented. "No one around and no power."
"Worse, the gas stations closed and our gas tank is empty." Velma added as the van stopped infront of the gas station.
 "So we're gonna either freeze or starve?" Jake asked.
 "We'll have to hike to the next gas station." Fred told them.
 "In this freezing cold?" Shaggy asked. 

 "Our cell phones dont have signal guys and theres no one around." Daphne told them.
"Hey look at the skii lodge, theres a light." Velma pointed out.
 "Let's see of someones home." Fred told them and the gang started to walk towards it. Scooby looked inside the door window.

"See anyone inside scoob?" Shaggy asked.
"Ruh uh." He shook his head. 

 Suddenly a glow started to go towards the door and scooby jumped into shaggys arms. 

A thing in a huge coat with a freaky mask opened the door and Jake hid behind Daphne.
It took off the mask to reveal a man bald on top but what hair he had left was brown. 

"Sorry if I frighten you kids, come in out of the cold

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"Sorry if I frighten you kids, come in out of the cold." The man told them. "
Thank you sir." Fred thanked him. 

The gang sat inside with the man to a living room.
"I'm Mayor Dudley I apologize because we have no power or heat or lights." The man explained.
"So we noticed, what happened?" Velma asked.
 "Its all because of The 10 thousand volt ghost." He replied. 

 "Ghost?" Jake asked.
"10 thousand volt?" Shaggy added as scooby gulped.
 "Its a strange story, you see this was once a popular skii resort, then one day we had a violent winter storm and it knocked down a power line. Mr Colin's, the owner of the power and light company, as anxious to get the power restored. In spite of the violent storm, he ordered his chief electrician, Voltner, to the repair it. He climb up to fixed it and as mayor I too was anxious to fix the power, but something went wrong, the power overloaded the circuits and blew out all the transformers. We went out to check on voltner, but he was gone, all that was left was his helmet. Unfortunately that wasn't the last we saw him.. his ghost wanted revenge on the power plant and the town." The mayor explained. 

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