Characters and Roles

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Maud Cinius: Protagonist, a do-good Foundling who hold high respect for the adults in her life. Makes rivals, friends, and eventually comes to the slow conclusion that the hospital may not be the best place, her mother may still want her... and her actions were unprovoked.

Mabel Williams: Believes in her mother, the downfall of the hospital, and mortal enemy of Maud. Has the brave ideas of going against what she believe is wrong. Causes problems for Maud, but is one of the people that allows her to come to her revelation.

Nirella Parlour: Maud's best friend, who hold similar beliefs to her but isn't as loud and proud about what she believes in. She is the adoptive foundling sister of Edward Hobbs, and still seeks a sibling relationship with him throughout the hospital even though they realise it is forbidden.

Edward Hobbs: A very similar male role model identical to Maud for the army foundling boys. He is an advocate for good behaviour, the foundling adopted brother of Nirella. He meets with Maud twice a week to talk about goings on in the hospital and Maud is a go-between for him and Nirella's sibling relationship. 

Lady Helena: The governor, the owner of the entire foundling hospital and has the power to do many things all through the entire hospital. A little more down to earth than all the matrons, but still firm more than fair.

Matron Clarice: The main Matron who has control of the majority of the hospital and all of the Matron's in it who cover the lessons and chores. She has the final say, and one of the more strict Matrons.

Matron Gwarda: Teacher of reading and writing. Is very hit and miss with how she treats the students, barely uses punishment and if in a good mood has a very delightful personality.

Matron Bromicker: Baking and cooking teacher. Shouts also most every other word, and is a terrible person altogether. The worst Matron for giving out punishments of all degrees, has no personal positive relationships with any foundling and believes they are useless children who should only to what they are told by adults and nothing more.

Matron Warley: Garden Matron. Firm but fair, and has a range of moods but is not a bad at all to any of the foundlings on purpose.

Major Morgan: The leader of the boys section of the founding hospital, where they all train to be part of the army. The Major that drops Edward off when he meets with Maud to allow them to converse over many happenings in the hospital.

Saphie Prenta: One on Mabel's friends who tail her all the time and hang on her every word.

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