Season 1 Episode 1: The Farmer's Captive

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Summer, 1979 Houston, Texas

Click Click Click Click. Snap Snap Snap! "Oh yes! These are lookin' great!" Wayne Gilroy says enthusiastically while snapping shots of a female adult model in his Houston, Texas amateur studio. Wayne Gilroy was a very handsome and charming forty-two year old cowboy that knew how to make good dirty movies and take some erotic shots of pornography actresses. Wayne stood over six feet tall and had dark brown wavy hair, he was fit and had quite the body for a forty-two year old. Wayne was deep into the cowboy style as were most men in the Texas area, he wore his white cowboy hat along with a silk white button up shirt and some denim jeans that were belted around his waist followed by a pair of size 12 brown leather cowboy boots. As he kept snapping photos of his naked subject, who was a thirty-five year old woman with long bleach blonde hair and dashing blue eyes. Her body was smooth, thin, and tan and her breasts were big and juicy. These were the type of women Wayne often scouted for when looking to hire new porno models. Setting down his camera on the vanity table and looking back at his naked female model Melissa, Wayne gives a charming warm smile and hands the model a stack of hundred dollar bills and a baggie of cocaine. Along with a quick wink as the model makes her way into her changing room Wayne calls out, "You got that X factor Mel" he says with a breathtaking grin and tips his cowboy hat towards her.
Hours go by when Wayne finally takes a seat on his leather brown office chair in his studio. Standing in front of him on the other side of his desk was his assistant photographer and cameraman named Evan. Evan was a younger man looking to get into the Porn industry, Evan is twenty-three and stands roughly five foot ten inches tall. He had a bushy blonde beard and wavy blonde hair and almost always wore a Hawaiian button up shirt and a pair of khaki shorts and some flip flops. Evan was also the young man that had a pretty deep voice, "...So tell me Evan, you think the footage we shot today was worthy?" Wayne asks while kicking his booted feet up onto his desk and stuffing his mouth with a cigar. Evan nods with a grin, "Oh yes sir! I think we got a ton of good stuff! But I was thinking...what if we did something kinky?" Evan suggested. Wayne lights his cigar and inhales deeply before exhaling with a smile, "I'm intrigued son, tell me what you have in mind!" Wayne said pulling his cigar from his lips in between his two fingers. Evan clears his throat and begins with his suggestion, "Bondage! It's the new wave of kink that gets all sorts of folks horned up and excited! Especially when women are all naked and tied up with a cute little gag in their pretty little mouths" Evan rubs his crotch after finishing explaining his idea to Wayne. To Evan's amazement, Wayne was rubbing his own crotch as well while nodding his head, "I like that kid! Let's go ahead and get Melissa back in Studio Room A please" Wayne orders, "...and find some rope" he adds. Evan smiles and salutes Wayne before exiting his office.
In Studio Room A, which was just across the hall from Wayne Gilroy's office, was Evan and Wayne and Melissa as the three prepped for shooting. Wayne stood next to Melissa while Evan got the video camera and photo cameras ready for usage. Meanwhile, Melissa had slipped her bra and panties off revealing her tan and smooth naked body. Wayne, excited, begins to rope up Melissa's hands behind her back, "I'm gonna make it tight but not too tight okay sweetheart" Wayne says gently as he ties a tight knot in the rope which binds Melissa's hands together. Taking more rope, Wayne begins to tie more around her chest and around her boobs. Connecting another strand of rope from the rope harness Wayne had created on her chest, Wayne takes the new strand of rope and ties it down in between her legs and digging the ropes right into her wet vagina. Lastly, Wayne took another strand of rope and began to tie her ankles tightly together, "There ya go" Wayne says softly with a smile. Holding Melissa in his strong arms so she didn't lose her balance, Wayne gently lies Melissa on the floor of the studio room and pulls out a white piece of silk from his back pocket, "open up darlin'" he asks with a grin as he begins to tie the silk cloth around Melissa's mouth, gagging her. Standing back up on his feet, Wayne stands next to Evan who begins recording on the camera while Wayne begins to snap more photos of a naked and bound and gagged Melissa. "You were right Evan, this is fuckin' genius!" Wayne says excitedly while rubbing his throbbing cock again. Melissa squirms in her bondage and moans through her white silk gag, "Mmmmpphh! Mmmmpphhh" she moaned. Wayne was nearly jizzing his pants by now, "Oh fuck yeah" he said softly in a sexual tone. Melissa kept up with her loud sexual moans and sexy squirming in her tight rope bindings.
      After about an hour and fifteen minutes, Wayne decided to wrap up the shoot for the evening and call it a day. Evan unties Melissa and removes the silk gag from her mouth, "How was that?" she asked with a flirtatious smile. Wayne tipped his cowboy hat at her and smiled back, "It was fuckin' phenomenal darlin'" Wayne replied. Melissa smiled and blushed as Evan was putting away the cameras for the evening and collecting the rope. Melissa exited the studio to go and change before leaving the building and Wayne went back to his office where he sat back down in his brown leather chair and propped his booted feet up onto his wooden desk. Lighting up another cigar in between his lips, Wayne inhales and exhales deeply. It was then that Wayne had another genius idea. How about a new setting? A change of scenery! He thought. Let's film a bondage porno movie on a farm! Wayne grinned in excitement at the thought of his clever idea! A farmhouse located somewhere relatively close where they could film their bondage movie! And Wayne had already chose a title for this movie, The Farmer's Daughter.
The next day around noon, Evan had knocked on Wayne Gilroy's office door and was answered with a, "Come on in" by Wayne. Opening the door and closing it behind him, Evan takes a seat in the chair right in front of Wayne's desk. As usual, Wayne had his booted cowboy feet kicked up on his desk with his cigar in his mouth between his lips, "I wanna film on a farm!" Wayne begins while tossing a script at Evan, "I wrote that last night, it's called 'The Farmer's Daughter'" he explains with a grin. Evan nods with a grin of his own and gets excited, "There's a perfect farmhouse and land just a few miles outside of town! I think it's owned by a single cowboy, I don't know anything about him but it's worth a shot asking to film there right?" Evan asks. Wayne smiles and nods in agreement, "It's definitely worth a shot! We are making this bondage movie! People are gonna be all over that shit! The excitement it brings along! And the sexual thrill!" Wayne explains while gripping his cock through his pants in a masculine manor. Whew!. Wayne sniffles as if just snorting a line of coke and sticks his cigar back into his mouth, "I'll drive out there today and see if permission to film there for a few days would be granted!" Wayne adds while taking another puff from his cigar.
The time was now nearing one o'clock in the afternoon and Wayne Gilroy was getting into his van that read Plower on the side. Putting on his sunglasses and thrusting the key into the ignition, Wayne pulls out of the studio lot and hits the highway on his way to meet this cowboy who lived alone on this farm. Oh please tell me this guy has somethin' good for me Wayne thought while lighting a cigarette and holding it between his lips for practically the entire one hour drive.
      Finally turning off of the highway leaving town and onto a dirt trail that went nearly three miles through the woods, Wayne drove through the dirt trail through the forest he came upon what he was looking for. A rural Texan farm with a nice big white wooden farmhouse along with a red painted barn sitting next to it. Also on the property was a twenty foot tall metal windmill that was spinning softly as the faint wind blew through the summer air. Parking the van right out front of the farmhouse and stepping his leather brown cowboy boots onto the dusty gravel driveway, Wayne removes his sunglasses and approaches the front steps of the farmhouse and knocks six times in a type of rhythm and awaits for an answer. Looking around, Wayne saw that there was a black Toyota truck sitting on the side of the house with a large silver toolbox in the bed of the vehicle. Opening the door and pushing open the screen door, Wayne is face to face with the owner of the farm. He looked about thirty-eight and had blonde short hair and a scruffy blonde beard that was nicely trimmed. He had a bright white smile and the bluest eyes, he also wore a white tank top and a plaid unbuttoned shirt over it. Holding a cigarette between his lips, the owner sticks out his hand firmly, "Howdy, I'm Richter. What can I do for ya?" He asks shaking Wayne's hand firmly. Wayne removes his hat and gives Richter and grin, "Richter! Howdy there, I'm Wayne Gilroy from Houston, Texas. You and I spoke on the telephone last night" Wayne awaits for Richter's response which came shortly after, "Oh yeah! You're the porno director!" Wayne chuckles and nods his head in response to Richter's comment. Looking around while puffing his cigarette, Richter had noticed that no one else was around, "You didn't bring your crew yet?" He asked. Wayne looked back at his van and then back at Richter, "Oh yeah, I was gonna call em over as soon as I had a chat with you" he said with a charming grin. Richter smiled and puffed off his cigarette again, "No rush, you wanna come on in for a beer or somethin' and a little about what you do? I'm curious and I may also have some ideas to add if you wanna hear em" Richter finishes and sticks his cigarette back in between his lips. Wayne stares at Richter with deep consideration and then nods his head with a smile, "Hell okay! I'm all ears!" He says entering Richter's farmhouse as he steps aside to let him in.
     Richter leads Wayne into his living room where he offers Wayne a seat on the sofa. Wayne takes a seat and Richter sits in the armchair across from the sofa. Richter grabs a bottle of whiskey that was sitting on the table between them along with the two glasses he had prepared, "Whiskey?" Richter offered. Wayne smiles and nods taking the glass from his hands, "Thank you sir" he says graciously. Taking a long drink from his glass, Wayne crosses his legs and gives Richter his undivided attention, "So tell me, what do you have in mind?" Wayne asks. Richter smiles and lights up another cigarette, "Well, I was thinkin' about how y'all are tyin' up your models now, and I like that! What if you added somethin'...kinkier" Richter began. Kinkier. Wayne had heard a suggestion that began with that before, "...Foot fetish! I like a sexy gals pretty feet" Richter finishes taking a puff from his cigarette. Wayne looks puzzled at first but then instantly intrigued, "...That's pretty interesting Richter. My model Melissa I would say has some pretty feet. I just guess I never thought much about them" Wayne says. Rubbing his eyes with both hands, Wayne suddenly begins to feel heavy fatigue and could almost fall asleep right there on Richter's sofa. "What about your feet Wayne?" Richter asks with a smile, "W-what? My feet? I'm a man! My feet are perfect like the rest of me" Wayne replies with a loopy chuckle. Richter grins and reaches over the table and begins rubbing Wayne's knee, "I think you're a hot guy Wayne...I'd like to be underneath your manly feet" Richter says. Wayne widens his eyes and laughs, "Whoa, that's nuts pal! I'm not a funny guy like that! I'm no fag!" Wayne chuckles again before closing his eyes. It was only moments later before he began snoring. Richter laughs and takes the glass of roofied whiskey from Wayne's hand.
      Fluttering his eyes open to the late afternoon sun beaming into his eyes, Wayne Gilroy looks up and sees he is still in Richter's farmhouse. I can't seem to move Wayne thought as he tried to stand from the sofa. Looking down he saw that his hands were tied to his feet which were also tied to the legs of the sofa. In his mouth he could feel a rag and a rope going around his head, "Mmmpphh" Wayne groaned into his gag. He also had noticed that he was now barefoot. Footsteps were now heard as Richter entered the living room wearing Wayne's cowboy boots, "Ooh-wee these are nice!" Richter says with a grin, "How those socks taste cowboy?" He adds with a laugh. Well now I know what's in my mouth Wayne thought as he growled angrily into his gag. Richter held up a stack of papers which actually turned out to be Wayne's script, "The Farmer's Daughter huh? Well...I'm gonna change this to The Farmer's Captive!" Richter tosses the script to the table followed by an evil but sexy laugh. Wayne growled into his sock gag and struggled in his bondage. How was Wayne Gilroy going to get out of this one!?

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