Season 1 Episode 3: "No Rich City Man..."

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The temperature was nearing 108 degrees Fahrenheit and Richter was dripping sweat while roping Wayne to the wooden cross in the chicken corral. With his mouth still taped shut, Wayne begins wake up and immediately struggles as he realizes both of his arms and hands are already bound to the arms of the cross like an eagle. Richter was now in the process of roping up Wayne's feet together and to the cross...tightly. "There ya go, I'm gonna leave your ass out here for a bit now...enjoy the heat some! You ain't no rich city man anymore!" Richter says with a degrading tone. Taking a thinner piece of rope and tying it to the legs of one of his chickens, Richter then ties the other end of the thin rope to Wayne's cock and balls, "So every time the chicken makes a move...he'll tug at this package of yours right here" Righter says with a grin as he finishes tying the rope to Wayne's cock making him whimper and growl a little through his gag. Without further conversation, Richter takes back off for inside the farmhouse leaving Wayne strung up in the scorching heat.
Wayne moaned and groaned through his gag while strung up on the scarecrow pole. His body was shining from all the sweat that formed on him. Meanwhile, Wayne indeed was getting quite hard when the chicken began going nuts and running around all over the place, tugging Wayne's rock hard cock every which way and actually making him spray his load all over the soil. Shouting with pleasure into his strict and muffling gag, Richter emerges from the farmhouse with a grin on his face and his dirty blue jeans unzipped and unbelted, "Ohhh-Weee! Sounds like ya done jizzed urself there partner" Richter teases while entering the garden and standing in front of Wayne. Pulling out a Swiss Army knife from his pocket, Richter begins cutting the string that binds the chicken's leg and Wayne's cock together. Once the rope has been cut, the chicken takes off running and Wayne's cock eases as it softens back up stilling oozing with his jizz from the tip of his penis.
      With another grin followed by a chuckle, Richter takes the knife and begins freeing Wayne from the pole. However, Once Wayne is on the ground and still gagged, Richter manages to quickly take Wayne's wrists and slap them tightly in a zip tie. Escorting Wayne back into the farmhouse like a puppy dog, Richter begins slapping Wayne's bare ass as he heads for the house, "Go on inside and get upstairs, go on get!" Richter beckons still slapping Wayne's sexy bare ass. Mmmmppphhhh! Mmmmmpphhhh!!? Mmmmpphh?? Unable to understand what Wayne was trying to say because of the gag, Richter slaps his ass again and orders him to keep quiet, "now get in the bathtub" Richter demands Wayne as the two stand at the doorway of the upstairs bathroom of Richter's farmhouse. Wayne, not having much of a choice, rolls his eyes and exhales and starts for the bathtub as ordered!

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