Season 1 Episode 7: Scrubbing Wayne's Feet

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Outside back in the barn, Richter had Wayne tied tightly to one of the wooden posts in the barn, butt-naked with a leather belt strapped around his mouth as a gag. As Wayne lightly struggled and whimpered loosely in his gag, Richter was moving piles of used hay with a three pronged pitch fork. He was ignoring Wayne's gagged whimpering as he struggled trying to free his hands from the ropes that bound them behind his back. Wayne's feet were bare and due to him having to stand while tied to the post, his soles were getting dirtied. But Richter has a plan to clean him up later! And it should be pretty fun!
     Richter picks up the last of the used hay from the floor of the barn before wiping his sweaty forehead with his backhand. Turning and looking over at a bound and gagged Wayne Gilroy, Richter slowly approached him and fondled his massive cock with his fingers. Richter leans in towards Wayne's face and takes a small sniff, "You ready to get cleaned up, boy?" Richter asks Wayne. Wayne puts his head back against the post and let's out another whimper from his gag. Richter only chuckles at the sound, "Good to hear" he says with a devious smile.
      Almost an hour had gone by and the sun had set below the hills, which meant the temperature for the evening had dropped significantly. Now back inside the farmhouse, Richter had Wayne stored in the bathroom and tied tightly to another wooden chair with his feet propped up on a wooden stool and tied down to it. Richter left Wayne to struggle alone in the bathroom while the bath water ran so he could grab a scrub with bristles on it. Wayne struggled in his chair as he was secured with lots of yellow rope. Wayne's hair had been greased by Richter and slicked back, but he had not been gagged yet. Wayne tried pulling his feet off of the wooden stool they were propped up on, but the ropes around his ankles were done up and knotted so tightly that Wayne could not even move his feet slightly to the left or right of the stool. His feet were securely bound in place and his was unable to move them no matter how hard he pulled. The legs of the stool had even been roped to handles bolted into the walls so the stool wouldn't move while Wayne struggled. With his hands tied tightly behind the chair and more rope securing his torso to the chair, Wayne attempted shouting to get Richter's attention from wherever he ran off to, "Hey! Richter! Come on where did you go!?" Wayne shouted. But no response came back. Letting out a long, tired sigh, Wayne attempted one last time to struggle in his chair and see if he can try and get any part of himself free...he failed once again. Giving up and shaking his head, Wayne went quiet as he awaited Richter's return. He better hurry up or that bath water is gonna overflow! Wayne thought. He tried looking over his shoulder to see how far up the water was on the bathtub but wasn't able to turn around that far. With a slight growl, Wayne turns back around facing the bathroom door and continues waiting for Richter. After about five more minutes, Richter finally returns.
     In his hand, Richter holds a giant bristled brush and a sponge along with a tin bucket. Setting the brush and sponge on the countertop, Richter moves behind Wayne and shuts off the water to the tub. Running the tin bucket into the bathtub, Richter pulls it up filled with water. Moving back past Wayne, Richter places the water filled bucket beside the wooden stool in which Wayne's feet have been propped up and tied to. Wayne only watches with severe anticipation...and slight worry, "What's with all this?" he asks nervously. Richter smiles again as he takes a bar of soap and wettens it in the bucket before scrubbing it over the sponge, getting it all soapy. Richter looks at the soles of Wayne's feet and sees they're almost black with dirt from standing bound and gagged in that barn for so many hours, "Dirty feet is what Texans are all about" Richter says gleefully. Dipping the soapy sponge briefly into the bucket water, Richter brings the sponge up and rubs it up and down the soles of Wayne's dirtied soles. Wayne watches with concern has Richter gently goes up and down Wayne's soles with the soapy sponge, "Hey man, can't I just take shower and do this myself?" he asks with a slight chuckle. Richter looks up at Wayne with a straight face and shakes his head, "No" he replies sternly. Wayne chuckles again, "Come on, man" he pleads. Richter sighs and looks over at the countertop in which he saw a large red rubber ball sitting in the corner, about the size of a golf ball. Richter grabs the little red rubber ball and instantly stuffs it into Wayne's mouth, "MMMMPPHH!" Wayne groaned as the ball was shoved into his mouth. Richter held an index finger to his lips, "Shhhh, try shutting the fuck up while I do this" he commands. Wayne held eye contact with Richter as he was now unable to speak again. Richter seems irritated that he has to explain some rules again, "You don't seem to understand something, Wayne. You're under my control! On my rural farm land, where no one is gonna come lookin' for ya! You're currently butt-ass naked and tied to a chair with a red ball in your mouth in my yourself a favor and don't speak unless I say it's okay to do so! You're a slave in training, you have rules to abide by! Got it!?" Richter finishes with a narrowed expression and stern voice. Wayne holds his stare looking directly into Richter's eyes as he slowly nods his head in agreement. I guess this is it! Wayne thought, I guess I'm stuck here...with this guy...
      Richter kneeled down at Wayne's still dirtied feet and continued running the soapy sponge up and down his soles. Wringing the sponge out over the bucket, dark liquid drained from the sponge and into the bucket water. Wayne's feet were now soapy and wet but the dirt was still there, now turned mud. Richter grabbed the bristled brush and dipped it into the bucket water before brutally scrubbing the soles of Wayne's feet. Wayne immediately began struggling and laughing hysterically as Richter scrubbed his soles with the brush, "Now that dirt is comin' off!" Richter says now smiling. Wayne screams a few times into his ball-gag at the sensitivity of his feet, when bristles attack his soles, Wayne goes nuts with laughter! "MMMPPHH! MMMMPPHHH! MMMPPHH!!" Wayne pleaded through his gag but Richter only scrubbed harder with the brush. Wet dirt was dripping from the heels of Wayne's feet as Richter continued to scrub them clean, "Gotta make sure these feets are clean! It's important to take care of your feet, Wayne!" Richter says still scrubbing Wayne's soles with the brush. Wayne continued to laugh helplessly through his red rubber ball gag as he let out some screams here and there...but who would hear him except Richter? Who was thoroughly enjoying this much more than Wayne.

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