c h a p t e r: 1

457 8 7

Few Weeks Earlier


"Hawkins?" I said in complete disbelief. "Hawkins... Indiana?" I repeated once again, testing the name in my mouth as it was going to be my home for the summer.

"Yes." My mother fiddled with her sewing project impatiently. "I already told you months ago." She adjusted the glasses on her nose.

"Mom, I thought you were joking!" I plopped my backpack on the floor and it hit the ground with a thud. My mother didn't even flinch or look up from her work.

"Well I wasn't." She shook her head.

"Can I at least ask why?" I asked, sitting down on the couch beside her.

"Do you remember your cousin, Dustin?" She questioned, putting down the sweater and needles, finally looking up to meet my eyes.

"Um... yes I think so..." I nodded slowly as visions of soft brown curls and a big, toothless, smile came into mind. I think he was around four years old?

"Well he's currently in a Camp. Camp Know Where-"

"Camp Nowhere?" I repeated, scoffing at the name.

"Just listen." My mother hissed impatiently. "He's at this camp and he needs to go home. Now his mother - my sister - can't retrieve him. I think she's working on some divorce papers with her husband. Anyways... she asked me for help. And I offered you." Mother said plainly.

"Me?" I said incredulously.

"Yes you. You can drive him back home and stay the summer in Hawkins taking care of him. You have nothing going on this summer and it's your senior year next year." She explained.


"I think it will be good for you." She stated. I knew when she said those words that her decision was final.

It was "good for me" when she forced me to learn combat and archery when I was little.

It was "good for me" when she forced me to take the hardest classes in my year.

It was "good for me" when she forced me to learn piano for a decade.

And now it will be "good for me" to babysit my cousin in Hawkins.

"Isn't Dustin like four years old?" I huffed, taking my backpack and standing up.

"He just finished middle school actually." Mother picked up the sweater and needles and continued to knit. "And from what I heard from my sister, he's very self sufficient."

"Mhm." I groaned.

"Y/N." She finally looked up at me. "You can make new friends. You can see the open fields. It'll be relaxing for you." She smiled. "Besides, Hawkins is a quiet town... nothing ever happens there." 

Exactly what I needed for my summer getaway.

A boring town where nothing ever happens.


I zipped up my suitcase with a sigh. I looked at my now almost empty closet. I took another look at my room. I wouldn't see it until the end of summer.

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