c h a p t e r: 8

272 12 10

*So sorry for the late update, I genuinely thought I had already put this chapter out*


I was sleeping peacefully in the morning when I heard a clank against my window. I barely peeked my eyes open, but I saw nothing strange. Outside, it was still dark. The sun wasn't over the horizon yet. It seemed to be very early in the morning.

I ignored the noise and changed my position away from the window. A few moments later, I heard another clank. I was confused as to what could be making that sound. Could it be a bird accidentally crashing against the window?


Not for a third time. No bird was that stupid. I picked my blanket off of me and slid my legs to the side of the bed, sitting up. Still groggy, I got up and shuffled out to the window, wondering why that noise was coming.

I drew open the curtains and looked outside. The sun was a small glimmering line across the horizon while the sky was still dark. I couldn't see anything in the air until my eyes traveled to the ground. There was someone standing there. I pulled open the window to get a better look.

"Steve?" I asked, rubbing my eyes to make sure I was seeing correctly.

"Y/N." He put his hands up in the air, dropping a bunch of rocks on the ground.

"What are you doing?" I asked, slightly annoyed that I had been woken up. I loved my sleep, it was so very precious to me.

"It's hard to explain, can I come in?" He asked.

I just nodded and pulled down the window, shutting it. I realized I was just wearing a tank top and shorts so I pulled on a sweatshirt before going downstairs.

I went and unlocked the door. Steve was already standing there. He had a small smile on his face, and his hands were behind his back.

"You better have a good reason for waking me up this early." I told him.

"I wanted to see you." He said.

"I was coming to the mall anyways today." I reminded him.

"Well I'm always working when you're at the mall. I wanted us to... to hang out without the others. Have a little... date." He said hesitantly.

"You know Steve, usually when a person asks someone on a date, it's usually not during the ungodly hours of the day." I yawned, leaning against the door.

"We can't necessarily have a date during the day. Our entire day is spent cracking the Russian message case. So I thought why not go someplace before all that." He said.

"And what did you have in mind?" I questioned.

"The pool." He answered. "It's not sunny out so there's no crowds, there's no lifeguards either. And the sunrise looks so pretty from the water."

"You want to go to the pool... at 4:00 am?" I repeated.

"It's a date." He took out his hands from behind his back to pull out a small bouquet of flowers. I tried to keep my scowl on my face, but looking at the flowers, I couldn't hold back my smile.

"This is so sweet..." I took the flowers from him.

"Is that a yes...?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Yes." I laughed, smelling the flowers. "Are we leaving right now?"

"Yeah, I have my swim trunks in my car, I'll drive us there."

"Okay, I'll have to go grab my stuff from my room." I told him. "Should I tell Dustin where I'm going."

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