c h a p t e r: 4

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"So what are some of the things we need?" I asked as I walked out of the mall with Dustin and Steve that evening.

"Definitely a Russian to English translation book for now." Dustin said.

"I know exactly where that section is in the library." Steve said. "But I have work tomorrow and the day after, and we can't wait that long. We have to get it today." He posed a problem.

"I could go?" Dustin offered.

"Remember you're banned from the library after the last time you checked out way too many books." Steve reminded him.

"You got banned from the library for checking out too many books?" A girl walked past us and scoffed. "Nerd."

"Shut up, Erica." Dustin snapped as she went by. I had a confused expression on my face as to who that little girl was.

"That's Lucas' little booger of a sister." Dustin explained.

"Okay..." I tried to get back on track. "Steve... where is the library?" I asked.

"About a ten minute drive from here." He answered.

"So why don't we just go now?"

"It's closed." He said.

"And...?" I perked up an eyebrow. Steve's eyes widened.

"You want to break in to the library?" He asked surprised.

"Look the fate of Hawkins could rest upon us cracking this code. Besides, it's a library... what's the worst that could happen? A sixty year old librarian named Edith would try to catch me?" I said sarcastically. "I don't think so."

"That's crazy-" Dustin shook his head.

"I'm in-" Steve said at the same time.

"You're crazy!" Dustin turned towards Steve.

"Do you want be a hero or not.?" Steve put his hands on his waist. Dustin tried to say something, but then stopped, realizing he didn't have an answer. "That's what I thought." Steve said, satisfied.

"Okay okay." Dustin plopped down the backpack he had on. "You wanna be a little rebel, fine by me. But at least...." He rummaged inside his backpack. "Have the right tools." He said, handing each of us a flashlight.

"You carry all this in your backpack at all times?" I asked.

"You heard what happened here the past few years right?" Dustin said. "The least I can do is carry flashlights. If it were up to me, I'd carry grenades to blast a demogorgon if I ever saw one lurking around." Dustin shook his head. He also handed us one walkie-talkie. "Stay in touch."

"We will." I nodded, taking it.

"Y/N did you bring a car?" Steve asked, turning to me.

"Yeah." I answered. "We can go to the library in it. Dustin you're going to have to-"

"-Take the bus, yeah I know." He was already walking towards the buses parked in front of the mall.

"Bye!" I called back as he walked away. "Okay, my car is this way." I lead Steve to my car.

Once we arrived at it, Steve whistled when he saw the car.

"Wow... a porsche?" He light grazed his fingers on the hood.

"My parents lent it to me for the summer. Compensation for shipping me off here." I said.

"Man, I would kiss the Mind Flayer to drive a car like this." Steve said, glancing at me. I could see the longing in his eyes. I could hear the question that he was afraid to put into words.

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