c h a p t e r: 13

184 6 0


"It's the gate?" I looked over at Steve. I was asking a question, but even my own voice sounded grave, like I already knew the answer. Robin walked over to us.

"I don't understand. You've seen this before?" She asked.

"Not exactly." Dustin shook his head.

"Then what, exactly?" She crossed her arms in annoyance.

"All you need to know is it's bad." Steve interjected, starting to walk back down the stairs. We all followed him down.

"It's really bad." I added softly, coming to the bottom of the stairs.

"Like, end-of-the-human-race-as-we-know-it kind of bad." Dustin warned.

"And you know about this how?" Robin questioned, looking directly at me.

"Um, Steve? Where's your Russian friend?" Erica's voice tore us away from our conversation. We all looked at the spot where the unconscious Russian was laying.

The spot was empty now.

The alarms suddenly started to blare loudly, and red lights started to strobe on us. Steve went over to the door and opened it. Outside I saw the Russian guard that Steve had wounded say something to his comrades.

"Shit." I said as I saw the wounded guard point in our direction.

The rest of the guards looked our way and realized that we weren't supposed to be here. The soldiers shouted something in Russian, which I concluded meant something along the lines of "stop" and they ran forward towards us.

Steve shut the door quickly and started to look for a way out. We couldn't go out the way we came so we went back up the stairs.

"Shit." Dustin swore as we raced up the stairs. The soldiers had already swarmed into the room.

"Go, go, go, go, go!" Steve said urgently as he held the door open. We quickly went through the door. I could no longer take time to look at the giant gate now being opened by the laser. I only searched for a way out.

And the one thing I was really good at was running away.

"This way." I opened the next door I saw and went through it.

We were now in some kind of lab. The glass windows touched from floor to ceiling and looked out directly at the gate. All the scientists in white lab coats looked over at us, confused. I stopped in my tracks for a moment and paused, slightly dazed by the scene.

"Move! Let's move!" Steve pulled on my arm, snapping me out of my trance. He pulled us along a side door and suddenly we were out on the platform where the giant laser was shooting at the wall. We were no longer behind safe walls of glass.

Hot wind blew at my face as I could feel the full force of the laser. The noise was deafening. The power that I could feel thrumming around me was so heavy. My knees felt weak. But the guards chasing behind us surged energy into my limbs. So, I forced myself to move.

"Go! Shit! Shit, shit, shit!" Dustin ran past me.

We went down a side staircase that led to some lower rooms. As soon as we got down the stairs, guards emerged from some of the surrounding spaces.

"Guards!" I warned and pointed. Steve brushed past me and looked around quickly. I found a group of huge piled metal cans. With Steve's help, I pushed the cans on the guards. Some of them fell back. But others continued to follow. It did buy us some time though.

"This way!" Dustin shouted. We turned towards his direction and followed him into another room. Steve was the last one through the door. Since the door didn't have a lock, he used his body to hold the door closed.

Run Away (Steve Harrington X Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя