Worried for Him

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Set After Occupation, my own version

Sabine's Pov

It's been a week now. Since we arrived at Lothal after finding out Grand Admiral Thrawn had a factory that was going to produce TIE Defenders. Which cause a big problem and worried for the Rebellion. As they contain shields, better weapory, speed and even hyperdrives. Which can be a big threat to our fighters, hit and run tactics. "Ezra are you alright? I know how you are feeling right now" She asked him worried, as they were walking together in their secret base. Outside of the city of Lothal. "Yeah..I'm fine" He answered with a lie. Making Sabine rolled her eyes and grabbing him by his shoulders, pinning him against the mountain. Staring at him right directly at his blue eyes, the ones I slowly fall in love with overtime he been with us. "Now tell me the truth. Or do I need to beat it out of you?" I threated him, punches his shoulder not too hard. Showing him I was not gonna let him slip away and serious. Ezra sighs and looks down a bit, "I'm just worried about my homeworld. How much more damage the Empire will do to it. You seen how bad they are destorying it and see are right now. The city is being destoryed, growning smaller and smaller. And other small villages have been destoryed and people most likely died or captured. My friends are gone..and my parents. All because of the Empire, at least you still have your family. I don't anymore" Ezra said quietly, looking away from Sabine's eyes. Having so much pain and sadness in his eyes. With tears forming in his eyes, unable to fight back and hold them. Ezra began breaking down, while watching him shocked. Unable to let any words out, feel guilt that she pressed on little too hard with him. With a worried look comes to her face, wrapping her arms around him as she brought him on her chest plate. Letting him cry against much he need too. Watching him cry on my chest plate, made me feel very bad for him. As he been through much more than me. We both been through rough times and still are today. Even if one doing better overtime and another not. Is just not right. Shaking her head, seeing Ezra was rubbing his eyes and trying to pull out of my hold. Frowning a bit but allowing to get out before grabbing his arm. "Hey it's okay to cry. We all have feelings, thoughts and memories. That can cause pain to us but your not alone with this. I'm gonna help you as you did for me when I trained with the darksaber and helped freed my father, freeing my Clan from Saxon's grip and helping me undo my weapon I created for the Empire. Now it's my turn, to help you and your homeworld. Please Ezra, your not alone with this pain. Together we are going to freed and rebuild your home. I promise you" She whispered in his ear before giving his twin scars cheek a kiss. Watching him blush bright red, walking off ahead of him. Smiling to myself, knowing what I did and him being frozen it place. As I walk off to meet the others before hearing Ezra running to catch up to me, as we headed to meet the others. To decide what we need to plan in motion for Lothal to be freed

Hope you all enjoy this oneshot and mine twist how Occupation was set afterwards :)

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