Family Cuddle

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Ezra's Pov

Dinner is ready Ezra !!! i heard Sabine yelled from the kitchen. Am coming Sab i yelled back to her from the bedroom and i finish up putting our clothes away in our drawers. Walk out of our bedroom and i saw little Mira running pass me in the hallway towards the kitchen. I smile at her running and walks over to the kitchen and i see Sabine serving chicken soup in bowls and i walk over to her from behind and holds her by her sides and kisses her cheeks lovely and rubbing her stomach while kissing her cheeks. Hey Ezzy she said and smiles and rubs my hands rubbing her stomach. Hey baby what you made for dinner today ? i asked her and rubs her hands on mine hands. Chicken soap and made some steaks for us just don't tell Mira she said and smiles at me and turns her head around and kisses me on lips and i kiss her back. I felt someone hug my legs and i pull out of the kiss and look down at my legs. Hi Mommy and Daddy Mira said and smiling. Hi baby you hungry ? Sabine asked and rubs her hair and serves her bowl of chicken soup. Yes Mommy and what are we eating for dinner to today ? she asked Sabine. Well it's chicken soup but their is something yummy that is coming with too she said and smiling at Mira. Is it buffulo wings ?! Waffles !? Ribs !? Steaks !? or or she said freaking out excited and we giggle and smiles at her. Should we tell her bean or else she won't stop guessing what it is i said and keeps on smiling at her Mira while she is guessing what it is. Yes and am gonna tell her. Hey Starbird do you want to know what it is ? she said to Mira and smiling at her. Yes Mommy please please she said excited and hugging Sabine's legs. I see Sabine grab a small steak from the pot and shows it to Mira by rubbing it on her mouth. STEAKS she yelled happy and grabs it and starts eating it and kisses Sabine's hand. Thank you Mommy Mira said and keeps in eating the steak. I pick up Mira and hold Sabine's hand and we go to the dinner table to eat as a family.

2 hours later

After two hours of dinner we are laying down in the couch together in the living room. I love Family cuddlies Ezzy Sabine said and rubbing Mira's stomach and smiling at her and Mira was asleep on my chest and Sabine was behind me and i smiling at Mira and when Sabine is rubbing Mira's stomach.

 I love Family cuddlies Ezzy Sabine said and rubbing Mira's stomach and smiling at her and Mira was asleep on my chest and Sabine was behind me and i smiling at Mira and when Sabine is rubbing Mira's stomach

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That dinner was so good Bean thank you love i said and kisses her on the lips and rubs her hair and she kisses me back on the lips and i pull away. Your welcome Ezzy and you wanna know something ? she said. Yeah babe ? i said and looks at her. I have more steaks for us torrorow but let's cuddle here and fall asleep together slowly when we slowly fall asleep together as a family she said and kisses my chin and rubs my cheek. I smile at her and we enjoy each other and talking about our young lifes back of the day. The amazing times we had together.

I hope you guys enjoy this Chapter and have a good day everyone !!!

Sabinexoxo out !!!!!

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