It's The Necklace

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Stiles started to wear the wolfsbane necklace everyday. It didn't block the smells out all the way but it definitely helped. And Stiles would take what he could get to stop him from going full Kot during Economics. At lunch, he still sat with the pack but he preferred to be at the end of the table where Boyd usually sat so that the smell would be less intense. That meant Boyd had to give up his seat but he was okay with it as long as he got to sit near Erica instead.

This particular lunch period, Stiles sat next to Danny because he could smell his cat on him and he missed the furry little kitten. Danny obviously noticed Stiles sniffing him every minute and figured out that it was because he smelled like his cat. So he invited Stiles over to see the little guy after school.


"Oh my god, my baby! I missed you so much!", Stiles exclaimed. "I think you mean my baby.", Danny joked. "He's still my cat, he's just also your spiritual guide." "Whatever, Danny.", Stiles laughed. The cat purred and cuddled into Stiles' arms. "Potato, you traitor!" "You named him Potato? Dude, what is wrong with you?" "What, he's lazy!", Danny defended. "So you named him Potato cause he's lazy? That implies you didn't name him until after you already had him for a long while.", Stiles said. "Yeah well, I'm not good at naming animals!", Danny replied.

Stiles kissed and pet Potato for a while before he had to go home. But before he left, he stole one of Danny's shirts that Potato was sleeping on. "Hey!", Danny hollered as Stiles ran out the door. "That's my shirt you- you thief!", Danny called out. "Sorry! I'll return it later but I need it!", Stiles yelled back, starting the engine and driving off already.


The next pack meeting was held when Stiles started gaining his water bending ability. He discovered it while taking a shower an hour prior. He arrived wearing Danny's shirt and the necklace, both working together to help him completely block out the smell of dirty canines. He reminded himself to stop subconsciously associating canines with the word dirty.

Unfortunately for his ears, Danny immediately noticed his own shirt on Stiles' body and started lecturing him for taking it in the first place. Derek also noticed that Stiles was wearing Danny's stupid shirt and he was not happy about it. He felt something akin to jealousy but he told himself he could never be jealous over Stiles. That didn't stop the glare coming from him that aimed for Danny. And soon, everyone noticed the odd tension in the air. Even Liam, who was usually oblivious to these things, despite Theo constantly pointing them out for him when he could.

"Stiles, why don't you just give Danny his shirt back. You can wear one of mine.", Derek offered. "Wait- what?!", Stiles asked in disbelief. "Well Deaton said my smell isn't repulsive to you so just wear my shirt.", Derek said. "Wait you find our smell repulsive but not Derek?", Malia asked, confused and offended. "Why doesn't Derek smell bad to you Stiles?", Scott asked. Stiles felt all eyes turn to him. He was uncomfortable and felt like he was being interrogated. Especially since Deaton didn't even tell him why Derek smelled good instead of bad to him. He just told Stiles to ignore it and stay distant from Derek for the time being. Which was weird.

"It doesn't concern you.", Derek said. "Wait, do you know why you smell different to me?", Stiles asked Derek. "You don't?" "No. Deaton told me not to worry about it."

Derek felt a pang in his heart, as if someone had just revealed they didn't truly care for him and then stabbed him. "Oh..."


"Derek! Wait!", Stiles hollered. "Tell me what Deaton told you. Why would he tell you why you smell different and not me?!", Stiles demanded. "I don't know Stiles but he probably had a reason.", Derek said.", shaking off the arm Stiles had grabbed him with. "Well I don't care! I want to know, especially since it's me who's affected by this the most. I am the one turning into some feline creature all of a sudden!" "Affects you the most? This affects both of us pretty hugely."

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