Chapter 13

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Kinn was on his bed, his hand behind his head, his eyes staring at the lights of the city at night. He didn't move even as he heard the door of the bathroom opening. Porsche came out, he was rubbing his hair with a towel, he looked at his lover and wondered what was worrying him so much. He got on the bed and started running his fingers on the guy's chest.

"You know... it is a pity that we can't do it in the pool again because of the rain... but we still have your bed" Porsche said with the most seducing voice he could pull out. Kinn shook his head and moved Porsche's hand away.

"I'm not in the mood for that, Porsche..." Kinn said. Porsche sighed and moved away, he covered himself with one of Kinn's silk pajamas and looked at him again, waiting for him to open up and explain why he was so worried.

"It is because of the Yakuza... the member of the clan that came earlier said that they want us to surrender Marco to them. He also added that we could take some time to think about it... the matter is, that I know perfectly what they are going to do to him..." Kinn explained.

"Let me guess, they already know that we got all the information Marco had and they are going to kill him to show that they are still in power" Porsche replied.

"Exactly... we got the information anyway, I suppose that we have to surrender him if we want to avoid another bloodshed, we surely can't get our men involved in another war, especially now that the minor family is in the lurch. I can't just go to Vegas and ask him politely to lead the minor family as a loyal dog..." Kinn responded.

Porsche was almost about to give up and try to fall asleep but suddenly Kinn turned to him and pulled him closer to his body. He whispered in Porsche's ear "Maybe you're right... we could just ignore these problems for a few hours... or the whole night". Porsche turned to him immediately, he unbuttoned his pajama slowly, smirking at Kinn and biting his lips, enjoying that look in his eyes.

"Are you thirsty?"

"Don't ask again..." Kinn answered, he grabbed Porsche's arms, he pulled him as close to him as possible and started kissing his neck and all the way to his shoulders and his chest. Porsche couldn't dominate himself anymore, Kinn's hands on his hot skin, his lips on the most sensitive parts of his body, the soft tone of his voice. Porsche felt like he was melting, his heart was beating fast and loudly as a drum, his eyes were almost closed, his mouth open, sometimes letting some moans come out of his throat.

In a moment Porsche found himself on the bed, Kinn was all over him, he took a bottle of whiskey from the night table and poured a few drops of the liquor on Porsche's skin before licking it delicately. At this point Porsche was almost about to shout because of all that pleasure, Kinn washed two fingers with the liquor and then he gently run them on his lover's cheek, he pressed them gently the on Porsche's lips and smirked.

At this point it is better to leave the two lovebirds enjoy their little (well... long) moment together and move to the other people living in the Theerapanyakul Tower. Porchay was in his bedroom, holding a pillow close to his face and crying in it. Tay was on a chair near the window and observed the poor guy crying his eyes out. He just smiled at him as Porchay eventually looked up from the pillow.

"Maybe I deserve it..." Porchay stated.

"If you say something like that again I'm going to choke you to death with that same pillow. Nobody deserves what Kim did to you, and I'm sparing him just because you asked to ignore him... even though I still can't understand the reason..." Tay replied immediately.

"Well... I'm not like my brother..."

"Good... even insecure now. Porsche has nothing more than you, Porchay! Kim didn't have the right to do what he did, I hope he's regretting his choice because his deed is just unforgivable. Porchay, listen to me... you're a pure child, clear? You didn't do anything wrong: you found a guy, you talked with him, did things with him... and you fell in love with him, that is how love is supposed to work! Wait... what was that?" Tay said.

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't you hear anyone singing?" Tay replied as he walked to the door. Porchay followed him and eventually recognized that voice. He gently pushed Tay away and opened the door himself, he watched and saw Kim playing the guitar, Chay chuckled as he saw that the guy was struggling terribly since he was trying to play while standing just like Porchay did. Kim didn't finish the song, his voice started trembling as he looked up at Porchay, he put down the guitar and walked to him, he knelt and started crying.

"I'm sorry Chay... I should have told you the truth from the beginning, but I want you to know that my feelings for you are true, I didn't want to admit it to myself but I can't keep running away from the truth... I love you, I think that I've been in love with you since the moment you confessed to me... I'm sorry it took me so long to t..." Chay didn't let him finish, he pulled him up and kissed him while tears were still covering his cheeks.

"Better late than never..." Tay murmured. 

KinnPorsche: Escalation (VegasPete, Tay, KimPorchay)Where stories live. Discover now