Chapter 22

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Key Words -

y/a/n - your archon name
y/b/a/n - your brother's archon name


You were walking for a while now, you don't remember how long but you have been walking for a while already.

You came across this very large tree as you noticed a path into it so you followed the path in, you noticed there was loads on rocks everywhere and there was this seal blocking something?

You looked around to see if anybody was around you, in case if that person was following you again which thankfully they didn't, as you simply put your energy into the seal like it was nothing.

You then screamed as the wind took you in, you landed on your back as somehow the apples landed safely on the ground, you glared at the Apples.

"How do you land so perfectly but I don't?" you groaned as you got up, you picked the apples up and you scanned the area around you, only to see a huge dragon in the centre with a seal around it?

It saw you and it began to roar loudly which obviously hurt your ears, you placed the apples on the ground as you ran towards the dragon who was in the seal.

"Woah woah! Calm down! I'm not going to do anything with you!" you shouted as the dragon stopped roaring, it stared at you again and somewhat....

"Are you the Moon Archon?" it asked, it's voice was very loud and it sounded very rusty but you understood what it said "I am... how do you know that?" you asked, you stared up at the dragon, it looked like Morax in a way.

"Morax has told me many things about you, has he ever told you about me?" it asked as you nodded 'no' it roared in anger "MORAX!!" it shouted in anger as you covered your ears.

"CALM DOWN!" you shouted as it slowly calmed down again "How come you are down here to begin with?" you asked it "I broke a contract with Morax..." it spoke as your eyes widened, is this what happens when you break a contract?

"..." you thought for a second, you then approached the seal as you placed your hand on it. It began to glow purple as the seal broke, the dragon got out a bit.

"I hope I don't get in more trouble for this..." you mumbled which the dragon near you heard clearly "What did you get in trouble for?" the dragon asked "I only wanted to mess with my brother a bit so I ran around the mountains and jumped off one..." you mumbled which the dragon heard clearly.

"Is that so? How unfortunate... I wouldn't want you getting in more trouble" the dragon spoke, you went to grab your apples as you approached the dragon again.

"Do you want an apple?" you asked the dragon, it denied though "Please eat 1 apple?" you asked it as it finally ate the apple, you gasped as you also ate an apple.

"Do you want to go outside... uhm... I never got your name, do you have one to begin with?" you asked the dragon "...Azhdaha" the dragon now known as Azhdaha introduced himself.

"Outside? I don't remember the last time I was outside" Azhdaha spoke which made you feel heartbroken, how long has it been down here for?

"Come, let's go" you spoke as you grabbed the basket full of apples, Azhdaha bent down as you got on top of his back, Azhdaha then dig underground as you covered yourself and the apples.

Everything felt so dark until Azhdaha jumped and you both escaped the underground, you saw the view as you gasped.

"WEEEEEEEEEE!" you shouted as Azhdaha ran around the area, maybe taking Azhdaha out of that seal wasn't a bad idea?

Archon of the Moon... | Yandere Genshin Impact x Archon! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now