Chapter 66

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Aether did your hair in excitement, complete excitement as he felt his heart continuously jump around which caused him to become red as a tomato, Aether was doing your hair and then he finished.

"What do you think... about your hair?" Aether asked anxiously, you looked at the mirror as you hummed in reply, looking it as you turned your head left to right.

( Quick A/N - Imagine your Hair is somewhat in some kind of braid <3 )

"Uhm... I like it, it looks good..." you mumbled, although your hair felt slightly tight so you tried adjusting it but Aether held onto your wrists tightly to avoid you doing that.

'You were supposed to love it, not like it! I tried making your hair into a braid to match me, so don't get rid of it!' Aether thought angrily, he was now both very anxious and mad that you didn't love it.

"Ow... please stop!" you shouted, speaking up louder as Aether snapped out of his thoughts, he then let go as his eyes widened in fear... did he hurt you?! If he did, he didn't mean to!

"I...I'm so sorry! Please tell me that I didn't hurt you!" Aether shouted in fear, now rotating the chair to face him as he was breathing heavily in fear, cupping your cheeks as he examined your face.

"I'm fine...! Let... go of me... please!" your muffled voice shouted, Aether let go of you as he sighed, he then grabbed a flower from the vanity's vase and placed it in your hair.

"What flower was it...? Is it a Ceceilla??" you asked, Aether's eyes widened as he narrowed his brows down angrily, knowing you were referring to Barbatos who was now known as Venti.

"No... it's called a "Windwheel Aster" they are flowers in Mondstadt that blow like an actual Windwheel once the air gets a bit heavier" Aether spoke, you gasped as you looked at the mirror and admired it.

"Windwheel Aster..." you mumbled, admiring the flower as Aether blushed intensely and smiled widely, little did he know you were only admiring the flower at the moment.

"...Reminds me of Barbatos...!" you mumbled excitedly, Aether felt his heart shatter into millions of pieces but remained quiet, little did you know he was screaming so much in the inside right now.

'I was meant to make you look like mine so everybody knows who you belong to, yet you still choose to go after Barbatos!' Aether screamed in his head angrily, yet the smile on his face remained.

"I forget to mention this to you... but in 2 days, we are heading to Diluc's place for a party" Aether spoke, you nodded in agreement as you got up but Aether sat you back down.

"Hm...? What's wrong Traveler... is there something you are needing...?" you asked, the Traveler made you face him again as he sighed, blushing slightly from the eye contact.

"Okay... uhm... listen to me for this one, Y/n... and I'm really needing you to listen to me..." Aether spoke nervously, leaning in closely as the tips of your noses were almost touched.

"I have been wanting to ask this... it's not only about my sister but... has she ever told me anything about... me?" Aether asked nervously, your eyes then widened slowly as you concentrated to remember.

"I don't think she ever mentioned your name or anything but... she only mentioned she had a brother which was obviously you, nothing else really... I guess she was too scared to mention your real name-..." before you could finish, you realized how close Aether was.

"Ah! I'm so sorry, but... thank you for telling me this... nobody has ever helped me this much before..." Aether spoke, moving his face away slowly but quickly leaned in to kiss your nose.

"Ah!" you gasped in surprise, now screaming in the inside as you immediately went flustered as Aether blushed and chuckled childishly, Aether heard knocks and it was Paimon who then entered the room.

"Hey Traveler! Hey Y/n! The Knights of Favonius have been wondering what was taking you both so long so I came to check up on you!" Paimon spoke, you looked at Paimon who looked at you for your reply.

Only for the sides of your mouth to lift up, closing your eyes as you blushed slightly, Paimon 'aw'ed from the sight of your soft smile meanwhile Aether blushed from how cute your smile was.

"Come on! Let's head outside and get everybody else so we could check out some places together!" Paimon spoke excitedly, cheering as you nodded in agreement, getting up as you grabbed Aether's hand who looked like he was about to pass away from the skin contact.


"Let's head to Diluc's place now, Traveler, Y/n! Hurry up, you both are so slow!" Paimon spoke, flying around in excitement as Aether rushed outside alongside you.

Aether held onto your hand tightly while him and Paimon were guiding you to Diluc's place, you were also questioning on why Xiao, Ganyu and the others left without you, Aether and Paimon.

You were too distracted on your thoughts that you didn't even realize that you have made it to Diluc's place, which was called the Dawn Winery.

You entered, noticing all of the Knights of Favonius, Diluc and your friends in the Dawn Winery as Aether and Paimon observed the area while you headed towards them.

"Uhm... everybody...?" you mumbled nervously, tapping on Zhongli's shoulder as they all turned towards you, you noticed the awkward silence between you all as you sighed.

"Listen... I don't know what I have done but... if I done something to make you all upset, just please tell me..." you mumbled, looking down sadly as Ganyu gasped and rushed to hug you tightly.

"No! We aren't mad ner upset at you, we just noticed you seemed to have a lot of fun so we gave you some space!" Ganyu spoke, your brows narrowed up as you hugged Ganyu back.

Little did you know... Ganyu has lied... Ganyu blushed intensely as her smile widened creepily, finally happy again due to you placing your attention back on her and everybody else...



Also... there is one more person that Y/n has met yet, no worries! Y/n is going to be meeting them and I'm already guessing we know who it might be?

I also may not work on the Archon Fanfic for a little while, but I will work on the Yaksha Fanfic! If you haven't yet, go check out the Yaksha Fanfic, just click on my username!! <33

Anyways I hope y'all enjoyed this Chapter! and please do stay tuned for Chapter 67!! Bye bye for now!! <33

Word Count - 1151

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