Chapter 58

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Key Words -

y/n/n - your nation name

Friendly Reminder: Paimon is a 'Platonic' and sees Y/n as an Older Sibling!


You noticed the voice belonged to a tall male who had dark skin, he had dark blue hair as his ponytail stuck out at the front, he wore a eyepatch as his left eye was coloured light blue and you guessed he was Cryo from the blue clothing.

"Kaeya... now isn't the time, my darling here is trying to study about the Archons...~" Lisa mumbled, placing her index finger on her lips as she smirked, Kaeya simply stared with a smirk.

"Hmm... I see how that is, apologizes about that but I never caught your name princess~" the male who was now known as Kaeya spoke as he placed his hands on your chair and leaned closer towards you.

"Y/n... my name is Y/n, although could you please move out of the way, you are in my personal space..." you mumbled, Kaeya pouted from that as he stood up properly meanwhile Lisa smirked at him and chuckled while he stared angrily.

"Now then darling~ do you mind me being just right here~?" Lisa asked, leaning down as she wrapped her arms and placed them on the table and placing her head on it, watching you carefully.

"Mhm... it's fine with you, I'm just not sure about him" you mumbled, pointing towards Kaeya who was hovering over you and Lisa, Kaeya seemed to be glaring at Lisa who noticed but ignored it.

It's not common for you but something about him gives you an awful, bad feeling... he looks and seems very suspicious... those stars on him remind you of her...

"Now then... if you have any questions, just come towards me darling~ I'm willing to help" Lisa spoke, getting up as you nodded then went back to your book.

Lisa and Kaeya were walking back towards the other table as Kaeya glared at Lisa and leaned in closer to her ear.

"Back off..." Kaeya mumbled angrily, Lisa smirked as she stared at Kaeya and whispered in his ear "Not on my watch...~" Lisa mumbled angrily which made Kaeya glare at her deeply then back to his original smile.

You heard everybody talking about recent attacks, events that were soon going to happen, and more.

"How about Y/n? Where are they from?" you heard Kaeya asked, leaning back on his chair as he turned to stare at you which you noticed but didn't admit.

"They are from y/n/n, they wield the Moon Vision and probably the only Moon user we currently know or even worse, the only Moon user besides their Archon" Paimon spoke, your back was facing them as you could obviously hear their conversation.

"The only Moon user? That can't be possible, I mean we have that with the Dendro Visions as they were never exactly seen in Mondstadt as well" you heard a voice you didn't recognize.

You got slightly bored from the Archon Books so you closed your book as you got up from your seat and adjusted your clothes quickly, everybody watched as you turned and walked towards them.

You were trying to get towards Aether when you felt somebody grab your wrist as you screeched, you noticed it was Kaeya as you blankly glared at him which he noticed and shivered.

"Let... go of me..." you mumbled, ripping your hand out of Kaeya's grip as you walked towards Aether, Aether had a spare chair that wasn't taken so you sat right beside him as he smiled.

"Greetings, you must be Y/n" you heard a voice, you turned and noticed a woman who had blonde hair and was in a ponytail, she had grey-blue eyes and mostly wore White as you guessed she was an Anemo User.

"Indeed, I am Y/n... and you are?" you asked, unsure about the woman's name "Ah! Apologizes for not introducing myself, I am Jean, Acting Grand Master of the Nights of Favonius" the woman now known as Jean spoke.

"Nice to meet you as well, Jean... as I heard from your conversations, it was about the nation I'm from, aren't I right?" you asked, Jean smiled as she nodded 'yes'.

"If you are willing to know anything, feel free to ask me anything..." you mumbled, looking at Aether who seemed to be staring at you as he blushed and looked away in embarrassment.

"I actually do have a question! What does the Sun and Moon Archon do?" Amber asked, you looked away at her as you thought about something.

"Well... the Sun Archon is the person who is more likely to watch over the nation and it's people meanwhile the Moon Archon is the person who is more likely to patrol the nation and destroy any enemy in it's way" you spoke, Paimon gasped as she hovered near you.

You looked at Paimon as you sighed, grabbing Paimon's wrist gently as you slowly made her fly down and sit down on your lap as she gasped and clapped her hands happily, while hugging you who she sees as an Older Sibling.

"Hmm... interesting... thank you for that, Y/n, now then. How about the Vision Holders there?" Lisa asked, looking at you with her arms crossed, waiting for your answer patiently.

"Well... truth spoken is that there is no other Vision Holder there, me and my twin brother are actually the only vision wielders and we are both Sun and Moon" you spoke, Lisa narrowed her brows down in confusion, only two of you?

"Hmm... but that cannot be possible, right?" Amber asked, looking at Lisa and Lisa seemed very unsure about it as you sighed, Aether looked at you as he was comforting you by rubbing your back in circles.

Everybody suddenly heard the door to get into the Headquarters open and close and footsteps as they all got up, including you, Aether and Paimon as you went upstairs and checked who it was.

"Y/N! AETHER! PAIMON! HELP!" you heard somebody shout, you recognized the voice as you ran up which made Aether and Paimon panic as they ran after you.

"GANYU! WHAT HAPPENED?!" you shouted, leaving the Library as Ganyu flinched and looked behind her to notice you running towards her, grabbing her shoulders and making her look at you directly.

"WHAT HAPPENED?! GANYU, ANSWER ME!" you shouted, Ganyu sighed as she thankfully found you "Everybody... has gone missing..." Ganyu mumbled, you gasped.

"Venti, Zhongli, Ei and Xiao are missing?!" you shouted, causing an echo in the Headquarters, everybody entered the room and noticed a girl with... horns?

"I don't know what happened! T...They just disappeared as soon as I looked back, I swear! I'm not lying, it's just-" before Ganyu finished, you held her hands and pressed them together as she slightly blushed and looked at you.

"We will get them! As much as I don't know Venti, Zhongli or Ei... we will look for them, okay...?" you mumbled, Ganyu took a deep breathe as she nodded 'yes' quickly.

"Would you like us to help you, Y/n? We could get a search party?" Jean asked, placing a hand on her chest, you looked at her blankly as you nodded 'no' slowly as her eyes widened in surprise.

"I have done something like this once, I think I could deal with it, thank you for your request though..." you mumbled, walking away as Ganyu followed you including Aether and Paimon.

Little did you know... Ganyu and everybody else has planned this...



Who do y'all think Y/n is going to be meeting next and talking with? I just love the guesses and who knows who may be right... ehe... 😈

Anyways hope y'all enjoyed this Chapter! and stay tuned for Chapter 59!! Bye bye for now!! <33

Word Count - 1331

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