
559 17 4

{March 22nd}

I'm not insane. I'm human.

A little crazy yes, but I just tell myself it's acceptable, not insane. I refuse to go see a 'specialist.' Why would I want to listen to someone else tell me how I feel? They didn't know anything. Just like his sister. They didn't know a damn thing about how I felt and how I'm feeling now. And honestly, should she care? If he's not suffering, then it shouldn't matter. As for the 'specialist' they only 'care' because they're getting paid. I'll just keep to myself. It's better that way. So only I can judge myself.


I wonder what he's up to right now. Maybe he's reading a book, or spending time with our old friends. I want so badly to just look him up on social media, I could make a fake account. He'd never know it was me. But I guess I wouldn't even need a fake account for that.

The longer I sit here, the more I feel the urge to grab my phone, but that would be wrong. I've done so good with ignoring the little devil on my shoulder, I can't let him get me now.

Suppress. Ignore. Suppress. Ignore.

But what would it hurt if I checked in? It would only hurt myself- but it also might make me do something that will hurt him.

Suppress. Ignore. Suppress. Ignore.

I need a shower, so I can scrub my skin raw in order to get rid of this feeling.

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