
385 17 7

{March 26th}

I find it slightly amusing sometimes.

The way I live my life is so pitiful, I can't help but laugh. I'm sure everyone back at home gets a good laugh too.

'Can't even face his own issues.'  that's what they all probably think. Its what i think. It really is laughable, how could somebody be so afraid of their own doings? How's is it so hard for people to just forget about the past?

How funny.

Sometimes the more I think about it the more I realize they probably don't think about me everyday. They've probably all forgotten about me too. My mind won't let me sleep at night, or enjoy one day of peace because they're all I think about. He's all I think about.

I was terrified of myself. Who was I going to hurt next? No. I won't let myself ruin anyone else but myself.

Isn't is funny how I hate people who wallow in their misery? Isn't it funny how I hate when people don't just do something so simple?

Isn't it funny how I hate myself?

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