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My heart ached for the boy in front of me.

He looked so.. so sad. He looked as if he was in physical pain. Like he was suffering. I wanted to help him, but he begged me to stay back. His hand was covering his mouth as if he was about to throw up.

His sweatshirt was really large on him, the sleeve had rolled down, revealing scars, so many scars. Some where faded, and some were healing.

He was slender, and frail. With longer hair. It was a light brown, with darker roots at the top.

He said my name.

"Felix.." before I saw him fall back in this girls arms. And finally, he looked at peace. He was still. No screaming, only the left over tears that were sure to stain his cheeks.

I wanted to know what happened to him, why was he in pain? How.. did he know me?

I stood in shock as everything went down, 911 was called and people were panicking. A lady was also there crying over the boys chest. She looked to be his mother. The previous girl was stood aside frantically texting on her phone. After looking closer I realized I  knew her. It was Yeji, I remember being only slightly aquatinted.

"H-hey.." I spoke, "Yeji right?"

"Oh," she said looking up, "yeah, hey Felix." I gave a small half smile. "Who is he? Is he okay?" I asked.

She looked at me, her eyes sad and holding something back, "this is my brother."

"Wow, I thought he looked a lot different."

"Not niki, this is my older brother who just got back from uhm.. he moved back in."

I nodded clicking my tongue, she was about to walk walk away when I spoke up again, "Yeji.. do you think I could come?.. I know that probably sounds really weird but he- he said my name.. he obviously knows me."

Yeji was stopped, still facing the door. She slowly turned around, an apologetic look on her face, "Felix I don't know.. I don't know if you want to go through this." She paused, observing my confused expression. "Once you tag along.. everything for you is going to change."

I blinked back at her, I didn't know what she meant, but I strangely enough was willing to find out. How bad could it be?

I nodded my head. Not technically giving a yes or no answer. She walked a couple steps and then turned around at the door, "you coming?"

I took a step forward, and another, until I was caught up to her. We exited the store and got into his moms car. "What-" her mom began. "He's coming with us." She replied cutting her mother off.

"Hwang Yeji.."

"I know. I'll take full responsibility when shit hits the fan." She replied. I sat in silence trying to decipher what exactly she meant once again.

When we arrived at the hospital, we walked in and the lady directed us to the boys room. We walked inside the room, me behind everyone else.

He was sleeping, he looked so peaceful and carefree. Much like when he had passed out.

Looking at him more closely now, I could see him in better detail. He looked sick, and fragile. His body look pale, almost like a corpse. The bags under his eyes were hard not to notice, and his cracked bloody lips were painful to just look at.

"Will he freak out.. if he sees me again?" I asked hesitantly. I was nervous after what had happened last time. I don't want to cause him that kind of pain again. I couldn't put him through that.

"I don't know," Yeji admitted, "I was thinking when He wakes up, that I should explain everything before he sees you again."

I nodded, "I still don't understand, were we close?" I asked.

Yeji's face twisted in sadness, "very," she said in almost a whisper, "you guys were inseparable; inseparable and so in love."

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